42 Home Recipes Of Famous Foods (2024)


After you brush with butter try sprinkling with coarse salt.

Or for Auntie Anne's famous cinnamon sugar, try melting a stick of butter

in a shallow bowl( big enough to fit the entire pretzel) and in another

bowl, make a mixture of cinnamon and sugar. dip the pretzel into the

butter, coating both sides generously. then dip again into the cinnamon


6. Melt the chocolate chips in a microwave set on high

for 2 minutes. Stir halfway through the heating time.

Melt thoroughly, but do not overheat. Melting

the chocolate chips can also be done using a

double-boiler over low heat.

7. Drop each patty into the chocolate and coat completely.

Using 2 forks, one in each hand, lift the coated patty from the

chocolate. Gently tap the forks against the bowl to knock of

the excess chocolate and place each patty on waxed paper.

8. Chill the peppermint patties until firm, about

30 minutes. Makes 20 peppermint patties.

Leave room for expansion and be careful not to over-proof, as the muffins

will get flabby and lose their shape. Warm and grease the bakestone

lightly. Lift the muffins carefully onto the bakestone and cook over very

moderate heat for 8-10 minutes until pale gold underneath. Turn and cook

the other side. Wrap in a cloth and keep warm if cooking in batches. To

serve, insert a knife in the side, pull the top and bottom slightly apart,

and insert slivers of butter.

2. Combine water, pineapple juice, teriyaki sauce, soy sauce, and

brown sugar in a medium saucepan over medium/high heat.

Stir occasionally until mixture boils then reduce heat until mixture

is just simmering.

3. Squeeze the sides of the head of garlic until the pasty roasted garlic

is squeezed out. Discard remaining skin and whisk to combine.

4. Add remaining ingredients to the pan and stir.

5. Let mixture simmer for 40-50 minutes or until sauce has reduced by

about 1/2 and is thick and syrupy. Make sure it doesn't boil over.

Makes 1 cup of glaze.

Then roll out on floured board to 34 x 21" size. Take 1

cup soft butter and spread over surface. In bowl, mix 2 cups brown sugar

and 4 teas. cinnamon. Sprinkle over top. Roll up very tightly.

With knife, put a notch every 2". Cut with thread or knife.

Place on lightly greased cookie sheet 2" apart.

Take hand and lightly press down on each roll.

Cover and let rise until double

again. Bake at 350 15-20 minutes. Remove when they start to turn golden.


Frost warm rolls with Cream Cheese Frosting

Makes about 20 very large rolls.

Heat chocolate chips in either the microwave, or in a double boiler.

When completely melted add a couple drops of the mint flavoring.

Be carefull not to add too much, it is a powerfull flavoring.

You can either spread the melted chocolate on the cookies,

or you can dip the cookies into the chocolate.

Beat the egg whites until stiff. Combine with cake mix and water, and beat

about 2 minutes until thoroughly blended. Pour batter into molds, filling

each about 3/4 inch deep. Bake about 30 minutes, or until the cake is

golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean from the center.

For the filling, cream the butter and shortening. Slowly add the sugars

while beating. Add the evaporated milk, vanilla and lemon extracts. Mix on

medium speed until completely smooth and fluffy. When the cakes are done

and cooled, use a toothpick to make three small holes in the bottom of

each one. Move the toothpick around the inside of each cake to make room

for filling. Using the pastry bag, inject each cake with filling through

all three holes.

Makes 12

1. Combine the white wine, bay leaf, onion, garlic and celery in a large

stock pot over medium heat. Boil. Add the lobster, cover the pot

and steam for 10 minutes. Remove the lobster, set aside and cool.

2. Add the shrimps to the boiling broth, cover the pot and steam for

5 minutes. Remove the shrimps with tongs, set aside and cool.

3. Add the mussels, cover the pot and steam until they open,

about 5 minutes. Remove the mussels with the tongs,

extract the meat and discard the shells.

4. Add 2 cups of water to the liquid in the pot, bring to a boil and

add the scallops. Cover the pot, and steam for 3 minutes.

Remove the scallops with the tongs.

5. Extract the lobster meat, reserving the shells. Peel and devein the

shrimps, reserving the shells. Chop the meat into bite-size pieces,

cover and set aside.

6. Return the lobster and shrimp shells to the broth and add 2 more

cups of water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer for

30 minutes. Strain the broth and return it to the pot. Discard shells.

7. Bring the broth to a simmer over low heat. Add the cream, milk and

herbs and simmer until mixture thickens slightly, about 5 minutes.

Add the seafood and simmer for 2 minutes. Stir in the spinach and

carrots and simmer another 2 minutes to just wilt the spinach.

Season with salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Serve hot.

Yield: 6 Servings

5. Remove the cookies from the refrigerator. Rest each one on a fork and

dip it into the chocolate. Tap the fork on the side of the pan or bowl

to knock off any excess chocoloate. Then place each one on a sheet

of waxed paper and let them cool at room temperature (65-70F).

This could take several hours, but the bars will set best this way.

If you want to speed up the process, put the candy in the

refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Makes 40 bars.

Heat oil for deep-frying in wok or deep-fryer to 375. Add chicken pieces,

a small batch at time, and fry 3 to 4 minutes or until golden and crisp.

(Do not overcook or chicken will be tough.) Remove chicken from oil with

slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. Set aside.

Clean wok and heat 15 seconds over high heat. Add 1 T oil. Add ginger

and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Add and stir-fry crushed chiles

and green onions. Add rice wine and stir 3 seconds. Add Orange Sauce

and bring to boil. Add cooked chicken, stirring until well mixed.

Stir water into remaining 1 T cornstarch until smooth.

Add to chicken and heat until sauce is thick. Stir in 1 teas. sesame oil.

Serve at once.

Makes 6 servings.

Add the remaining flour blending until smooth. Scrape the dough from

the sides of the bowl and cover with a cloth dampened in warm water.

(The cloth should feel wet, but not be so wet that water drips onto

the dough.) Let rise in a warm place (85 degrees F.), until doubled,

about 1 1/2 hours. Divide the dough in half, rolling each half into a

12-inch circle 1/4 inch thick. Spread with the soft butter and cut

each circle into 16 wedges. Roll up each wedge beginning at the

largest end. Place, point side down, on a greased baking sheet. Curve

to form crescents. Cover and let rise until double, 1 hour. Preheat

the oven to 400 degrees F and bake for 12 to 15 minutes, or until

they are a rich golden brown. Brush with soft butter.

Makes 32 crescent rolls.

Heat the peanut oil in a pressure cooker over med. heat to about 400F. In

a small bowl, beat the egg and stir in the milk. In a separate bowl,

combine the flour, sugar, pepper, and salt. dip each piece of chicken in

milk until it is fully moistened. Roll the moistened chicken in the flour

mixture until completely coated. Drop all four chicken pieces into the hot

oil and close the pressure cooker. When steam starts shooting through the

pressure release, set the timer for 3-1/2 minutes. IMPORTANT!!!!

DO NOT CLOSE STEAM RELEASE. IT IS VERY DANGEROUS! While the chicken is cooking, spread a coating of melted butter on the face of each bun. When

the chicken is done, remove it from the oil and drain or blot on paper

towels. Place two pickles on each bottom bun; add a chicken breast, then

the top bun. To make a deluxe chicken sandwich, simply add two tomato

slices and a leaf of lettuce. Mayonnaise also goes well on this

sandwich--it is a side order at the restaurant.

When the refrigerated mixture is firm, melt the chocolate over low heat

in a double boiler or in a microwave oven set on high for 2 minutes.

Stir halfway through cooking time. When the mixture in the pan has

hardened, cut it into 2x1-inch sections. Set each chunk onto a fork

and dip into the melted chocolate. Tap the fork against the side of the

bowl or pan to knock off any excess chocolate. Then place the chunks on

waxed paper to cool at room temperature (less than 70 degrees F). This

could take several hours, but the bars will set best this way. You can

speed up the process by placing the bars in the refrigerator for 30


Makes about 2 dozen bars.

4. Sprinkle a couple tablespoons of the reserved flour over the dough and

work it in until it can be handled without sticking, then turn it out

onto a floured board, being sure to keep 1/4 cup of the reserve flour

for later. Knead the dough well for 60 to 90 seconds, and the flour is

incorporated. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill for at least

one hour.

5. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Spray a light coating of cooking spray

on a baking sheet.

6. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and use the remaining reserve

flour to dust a rolling surface. Roll about one-third of the dough

to just under 1/16th of inch thick. Trim the edges square (a pizza

cutter or wheel works great for this), then transfer the dough to a

lightly greased baking sheet. Use the rolling pin to transfer the

dough. Simply pick up one end of the dough onto a rolling pin, and roll

the dough around the rolling pin. Reverse the process onto the baking

sheet to transfer the dough.

7. Use a pizza cutter to cut across and down the dough, creating 1-inch

square pieces. Use the blunt end of a skewer or broken toothpick to

poke a hole in the center of each piece.

8. Sprinkle a very light coating of salt over the top of the crackers

(crackers will already be quite salty) and bake for 8-10 minutes,

mix the crackers around (so those on the edge don’t burn) and bake

for another 3-5 minutes, or until some are just barely turning a

light brown. Repeat the rolling and baking process with the remaining


Makes approximately 300 crackers.

42 Home Recipes Of Famous Foods (2024)


What are some old school foods? ›

Reliving our favourite childhood meals, from curried sausages and beef stroganoff to chicken kievs and beyond.
  • 1Corned beef with parsley sauce. ...
  • 2Cheesy potato bake recipe. ...
  • 3Quick goulash. ...
  • 4Creamy garlic prawns recipe (with video) ...
  • 5Our best ever spaghetti bolognese recipe. ...
  • 6Steak diane. ...
  • 7Crumbed lamb cutlets. ...
  • 8Butter chicken.

What is the most important ingredient in cooking? ›

Spices and herbs are the most essential ingredients. Spices like cardamom, cumin, paprika powder ginger, muscat, and cinnamon give a great taste depending on what's you're cooking.

What is it called when you mix ingredients together? ›

Blend: To mix two or more ingredients together, until they are combined into one mixture. This is done by hand, with a blender, or by using an electric mixer.

What are the ingredients of a good food? ›

Grains and Legumes
  • Breadcrumbs: regular, panko.
  • Couscous.
  • Dried lentils.
  • Pasta: regular, whole wheat.
  • Rice.
  • Rolled oats.
  • One other dried grain: try barley, millet, quinoa or wheatberries.

What are some old foods? ›

The World's 10 Oldest Dishes And Where They Are Today
  • Indian curry, circa 2200-2500 B.C. ...
  • Pancakes, circa 11650 B.C. ...
  • Linzer Torte, circa 1653. ...
  • Tamales, circa 5000 B.C. ...
  • Burgers, circa 100 century A.D. ...
  • Mesopotamian Stew, circa 2140 B.C., and bone broth, circa 400 B.C. ...
  • Rice dishes, circa 4530 B.C. ...
  • Beer, circa 3500 B.C.
Sep 2, 2023

What did kids eat for breakfast in the 50s? ›

But what did people eat for breakfast in the '50s? A full-fledged meal with bacon, eggs and toast was a common occurrence, even on weekdays. Mornings included grabbing a cup of coffee and perusing the paper before rushing out the door for school or work. Life was a little simpler, that's for sure.

What is the most important flavor in a dish? ›

Saltiness: Salt plays two very important roles in flavouring a dish. Firstly, it balances against bitterness. Secondly, it enhances most other flavours present in the dish - particularly sweetness. Think about salted caramel - this flavour combination works so well because of the balance created by the salt and sugar.

What is the most indispensable ingredient of all good home cooking? ›

"The most indispensable ingredient of all good home cooking: love for those you are cooking for." —Sophia Loren #Cooking #Orig… Cooking, Home cooking, Food quotes.

What salt do most chefs use? ›

All of the chefs we interviewed say kosher salt is their preferred variety for any type of savory cooking. It doesn't have additives like iodine (which some people find metallic tasting), instead it has a nice, clean flavor, says Matijevich.

What is it called to beat until soft, creamy, and smooth? ›

CREAM to beat until soft, creamy and smooth. Tools: rotary beater, mixing spoon. 15. SIFT to put a dry ingredient through a fine sieve.

What is to rub food on a grater to make small particles? ›

Grater (is used) to rub food on a grater to make small particles. One way to create small particles from food is to use a grater and rub the food against its surface. The grater has sharp edges that shred the food into tiny pieces, resulting in small particles.

When should you remove bread from the pan? ›

Remove the bread from the loaf pan or baking pan as soon as you've removed it from the oven. This is important because bread left in the pan outside of the oven will become moist, soggy, and sponge-like very quickly as the moisture in the pan condenses onto the bread. Turn the bread out onto a wire cooling rack.

What foods should you eat every day? ›

Food groups in your diet
  • eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day (see 5 A Day)
  • base meals on higher fibre starchy foods like potatoes, bread, rice or pasta.
  • have some dairy or dairy alternatives (such as soya drinks)
  • eat some beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other protein.

What do people eat in the olden days? ›

Barley, oats, and rye were eaten by the poor while wheat was generally more expensive. These were consumed as bread, porridge, gruel, and pasta by people of all classes. Cheese, fruits, and vegetables were important supplements for the lower orders while meat was more expensive and generally more prestigious.

What foods were popular in the 70's? ›

18 retro dishes from your childhood
  • Bombe Alaska. Nothing screams the 70s quite like sponge, ice cream and meringue drenched in rum and set on fire, right? ...
  • Vol-au-vents. ...
  • Mini ham and pineapple pizzas. ...
  • Battenberg cake. ...
  • Scotch eggs. ...
  • Cheese fondue. ...
  • Crepes Suzette. ...
  • Apricot chicken.


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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.