Dental Treatment Cost in Germany [2024 English Guide] (2024)

Key takeaways

  • Health insurance providers cover the cost of medically necessary dental treatments only.
  • Public health insurance doesn’t cover the costs of dental treatments that are not considered standard care.
  • Supplementary dental insurance has a 4 to 5-year reimbursem*nt limit period. During this period, dental insurance companies limit the amount they’ll cover.

This is how you do it

  • Before starting treatment, get a dental treatment cost estimate from your dentist. Then, check with your health insurance company to see what costs they’ll cover.
  • We recommend getting dental insurance if you smoke, have dental problems, or are 35 and above.
  • We foundDeutsche Familienversicherung AG* (DFV), Barmenia*, Feather*, and HUK24 among the best dental insurance providers in Germany as of 2024. Feather is an insurance agent and sells Barmenia’s dental insurance plans.
  • We have removed Ottonova* from our recommendations due to its falling customer rating. You can read the reviews on Trustpilot.

Table of Contents

Does health insurance cover dental treatment costs in Germany?

Yes, public and private health insurance covers the cost of medically necessary dental treatments. However, medically necessary treatment is usually not enough or desired.

The dental costs you pay yourself quickly add up to hundreds or thousands of euros. Thus, it’s recommended that you get a supplemental dental insurance policy sooner rather than later.

Here is a summary of typical dental treatment costs and how much health insurance covers.

Dental TreatmentCost
Professional cleaning80 € and 120 € per professional cleaning. Public health insurance companies like TK cover 40 € per annum for professional cleaning.
Tooth extractionPublic health insurance covers the complete cost of tooth extraction. However, you pay around 200 € to 300 € for treatments under general anesthesia and 100 € to 200 € for treatments under nitrous oxide.
Tooth fillingPublic health insurance covers amalgam and plastic tooth filling, but you pay for the ceramic tooth filling.
Ceramic tooth filling costs around 550 € per tooth.
Root canalRoot canal treatment costs between 200 € and 1000 € per tooth.
The public insurer covers the cost only if the tooth can be saved. However, you must still pay part of the costs out of your own pocket.
Dental implantPublic health insurance doesn’t cover the costs of dental implants.
A dental implant costs between 1400 € and 2200 € per tooth.

Is it worth getting supplementary dental insurance in Germany?

Yes, getting supplementary dental insurance is worth it in Germany for the following reasons.

  • Dental insurance plans come with a 4 to 5-year reimbursem*nt limit period. During this period, the dental insurance company reimburses up to a fixed maximum amount, and you cover the rest.
  • Statistically, people who are 35 or above are prone to some kind of dental health problems.
  • Dental insurance companies don’t cover existing dental problems. So, get a dental insurance policy before you catch one.
  • Dental insurance premiums increase with age.
  • Public or private health insurance companies don’t offer comprehensive dental coverage.
  • Dental treatment costs can quickly add up to hundreds or thousands of euros.

In short, we recommend that people who smoke or are 35 and above get a supplementary dental insurance plan.

We found Deutsche Familienversicherung AG* (DFV), Barmenia*, Feather*, and HUK24 among the best dental insurance providers in Germany as of 2024.

NOTE: Feather is an insurance agent and sells Barmenia’s dental insurance policies. The benefit of taking insurance from Feather is that you can file claims and get customer support in English.

Barmenia Dental Insurance

Dental Treatment Cost in Germany [2024 English Guide] (1)
  • No limit on professional cleaning and dental treatments (root canal, fillings, etc.)
  • The basic plan starts at 16.35€, and the advanced starts at 21.25€ per month.
  • Reimbursem*nts are limited to the maximum GOZ and GÖA factor.
  • No waiting period


Deutsche Familienversicherung Dental Insurance

Dental Treatment Cost in Germany [2024 English Guide] (2)
  • Up to 100% reimbursem*nt for dentures and dental implants, orthodontics, professional cleaning (up to €200)
  • The base plan starts at 10€, and the premium starts at 20€ per month.
  • Reimbursem*nts are limited to the maximum GOZ and GÖA factor.
  • No waiting period

Feather Dental Insurance

Dental Treatment Cost in Germany [2024 English Guide] (3)
  • No limit on professional cleaning and dental treatments (root canal, fillings, etc.)
  • The basic plan starts at 10.90€, and the advanced starts at 22.35€ per month.
  • Reimbursem*nts are limited to the maximum GOZ and GÖA factor.
  • No waiting period


NOTE: Feather is an insurance agent and sells Barmenia’s dental insurance policies. The benefit of taking insurance from Feather is that you can file claims and get customer support in English.

Tooth Filling in Germany

The cost of tooth filling in Germany depends on the following factors

  • The material used for the tooth filling.
  • Which tooth has the problem?
  • How complex is the dental treatment?
  • The costs also vary from dentist to dentist. Hence, we recommend you get a second opinion before signing up for expensive dental services.

Your health insurance covers the cost of tooth fillings using certain materials only. If you opt for better and more expensive materials, you must bear the cost—unless you have supplementary dental insurance.

Let’s check how much each type of filling costs in Germany.

#1 Ceramic tooth filling


  • Total cost: up to 550 € per tooth.
  • Contribution by public health insurance: up to 50 € per tooth
  • Cost you bear: up to 500 € per tooth


  • Ceramic filling can last for up to 15 years
  • Ceramic filling is recommended to patients because of its fewer side effects.
  • It’s more aesthetic than Amalgam and gold fillings.


  • At least two dentist visits are required for ceramic filling.
  • It’s more expensive than other types of tooth fillings available in Germany.
  • Your health insurance doesn’t cover the cost of ceramic filling. The health insurance company will reimburse part of the dental treatment costs.

#2 Amalgam tooth filling


  • Total cost: 20 € to 50 € per tooth.
  • Covered by public health insurance.


  • It’s cheap, and your health insurance company covers the costs
  • It’s one of the longest-lasting tooth fillings available today. It can last up to 15 years.


  • Amalgam fillings are made of a mixture of metals, and they have a dark metallic look. So, they’re not very aesthetic, as people can see the filling when you smile or open your mouth.
  • Some people are concerned about the presence of mercury (a highly toxic metal) in amalgam fillings. However, according to the ADA (American Dental Association), amalgam fillings are safe.

#3 Composite Tooth Fillings


  • Total cost: 30 € to 80 € per tooth
  • Public health insurance covers the cost of dental treatment for certain conditions.So, before accepting the treatment, you must confirm what costs your insurer covers.


  • Composite fillings are more aesthetic as they match the color of your teeth.
  • Composite fillings are easy to use and can restore many tooth shapes and sizes. Hence, they are favored for filling cavities and repairing damaged teeth.
  • It’s quick and easy to fill the teeth with composite fillings. Hence, it’s a more convenient option for patients.


  • Composite fillings must be replaced more often than amalgam and ceramic fillings.
  • They are not as strong and durable as amalgam fillings. Hence, dentists don’t recommend using it in high-stress areas, such as the molars.

Root Canal in Germany

Root canal treatment is usually expensive as it takesseveral sessions to do it. A typical root canal looks like this.

  • First, the dentist opens a path to your infected pulp and removes it completely.
  • The dentist then disinfects the cleaned root canals and seals them with root-filling material. This prevents bacteria from penetrating the tooth again.
  • Lastly, a crownis placed on the tooth to strengthen it further.

How much does a root canal cost in Germany?

The cost of the root canal depends on

  • how badly the tooth is infected,
  • the filling used to seal the root canals,
  • and the type of crown used.

On average, root canal treatment costs vary between200 € and 1,000 €.

Does public health insurance cover root canal costs in Germany?

Yes, public health insurance covers the cost of a root canal if the dentist confirms that the tooth can be saved.

Special conditions apply to molars’ root canal treatment. The public insurer covers the cost if you meet one of the following conditions:

  • The molar is in a complete row of teeth without a gap.
  • The treatment saves the last molar.
  • The treatment preserves the existing dentures.

These are general guidelines. However, public insurance companies also cover the costs if there are other reasons for saving the tooth.

So, ask your dentist for a cost estimate. And check with your statutory health insurance provider about what costs they’ll cover.

NOTE: If the dentist determines that it’s not worth saving the tooth, the health insurance company will not pay for the root canal. You can still opt for a root canal. But you must cover the costs yourself.

You may have to pay part of the cost of the root canal treatment even when the statutory health insurance company covers the cost. This is because public insurance providers cover the cost of standard treatment only.

However, the dentist might need to use additional services to achieve the best results. And you’ll bear the cost of those additional services.

Dental Implants in Germany

How much does a dental implant cost in Germany?

The dental implant cost depends on the following factors.

  • Number of implants.
  • Material of the implants (Titanium or Ceramic).
  • Amount of work required for the dental implant.
  • Dentist’s fee.
  • Preparation costs (eg, treating periodontitis, strengthening jaw bone, etc., before the implant)

A typical dental implant costs between €1,400 and €2,200 per tooth.

Does public health insurance cover dental implants in Germany?

Public health insurance doesn’t consider dental implants a standard treatment. Hence, it doesn’t cover the dental implants’ costs. Instead, the insurer pays a fixed subsidy.

The health insurance provider calculates the fixed subsidy based on the cost ofalternative dental care available.

For example, Suppose you have a missing tooth. The following dental treatments are available: bridge, dental prosthesis, and implant. You decideto go with an implant.

In this case, your health insurance company will provide a fixed subsidy, i.e., half the cost of a bridge or prosthesis. And you have topay the rest of the treatment costs.

In exceptional cases where other treatments are not possible, the statutory health insurance company may cover the costs. So, you should always contact the health insurance company before the treatment and check what costs they cover.

How much does a professional dental cleaning cost in Germany?

Professional teeth cleaning costs between 80 € and 120 € (as of 2024) in Germany. Dentists recommend getting professional teeth cleaning every six months.

So you’ll spend around 160 € to 240 € per annum on professional dental cleaning. However, public health insurance companies likeTK reimburse 40 € per annum for professional teeth cleaning.

How much private health insurance will reimburse depends on your tariff. Usually, private health insurance offers better coverage than public insurers. So, you can expect them to reimburse more than 40 €.

Supplementary dental insurance from Deutsche Familienversicherung AG* covers up to 200 € per annum of professional cleaning.

What is the cost of tooth extraction in Germany?

The cost of tooth extraction depends on the following factors.

  • Which imaging procedure (x-ray, CT scan, etc.) is used to prepare for the tooth extraction?
  • Dentists usually recommend professional teeth cleaning before the procedure. So, add it’s costs.
  • The type of anesthesia – local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or nitrous oxide (laughing gas).
  • Do you need an implant or dentures after the tooth removal?

Public health insurance covers the complete cost of tooth extraction under local anesthesia.

However, you must pay out of your pocket if you desire treatment under different types of anesthesia. Assuming that the treatment under different anesthesia is not medically required.

Here is how much the treatment costs.

  • Treatment cost under general anesthesia increases by 200€ to 300€ per hour.If the treatment lasts longer, the amount increases by €100 to €150 per hour.
  • Treatment cost for nitrous oxide increases by 100 € to 200 € per hour.

Suppose you need an implant. The public insurer doesn’t cover implant costs. You receive a fixed subsidy from the health insurance company and pay the rest from your pocket.

How do dentists calculate dental costs in Germany?

Dentists in Germany calculate the dental treatment costs per the GOZ and GÖA fee schedule.

What is GOZ?

GOZ (Gebührenordnung für Zahnärzte) is the fee schedule for dentists in Germany. It regulates the costs of dental services charged by dentists.

If a dental service cannot be billed using the GOZ and GÖA fee schedule, dentists can bill it as they see fit. Dental insurance providers reimburse only the dental costs billed per GOZ and GÖA fee schedule.

How are the dental costs calculated per the GOZ fee schedule?

Here is how the dental costs are calculated per the GOZ fee schedule.

Dental cost = Score x Point Value (5.62421 cents) x Factor (1 to 3.5) x Nr of teeth


  • Score is a number assigned to each dental service listed in the GOZ fee schedule. For example, the score assigned to “Professional dental cleaning” is 28.
  • Point value is 5.62421 cents [1] as of 2024.
  • Factor varies from 1 to 3.5. The dentist determines the factor based on the difficulty of the treatment.

So, professional dental cleaning costs vary between 47.24 € (28 * 5.624 * 1 * 30) and 165.34 € (28 * 5.624 * 3.5 * 30).

Dental costs can vary greatly depending on which factor the dentist uses to calculate them. Dental insurance companies limit the reimbursem*nt to the maximum GOZ factor.

NOTE: Dentists can use a factor higher than 3.5 to calculate the dental costs. However, dentist must inform the patient in writing with reason before the treatment.

What is the maximum GOZ factor in Germany?

Dental services are divided into three categories and each category has a separate maximum GOZ factor.

  • Personal services: Up to 3.5 factor
  • Laboratory service: Up to 1.3 factor
  • Medical/Technical services: Up to 2.5 factor

Can you deduct dental treatment costs from taxes in Germany?

Yes, you can deduct dental treatment costs from your income tax return in Germany. However, you can deduct thedental costs if they fulfill the following requirements.

  • The dental treatment was medically necessary.
  • The dental treatment cost exceeds the reasonable burden (Zumutbare Belastung).
  • The dental costs are not reimbursed by health insurance or supplementary dental insurance.

The amount the tax office considers a reasonable burden depends on your

  • income,
  • marital status,
  • and the number of children.

You can learn more about it in our guide on how to deduct dental costs from taxes.

Supplementary dental insurance in Germany

Studies show that 90% of adults suffer from some kind of dental problem. Depending on the issue, treatment costs can quickly go from 100 € to a few thousand.

Moreover, health insurance companies don’t cover all the dental costs. That is why it’s recommended that you get additional private insurance to cover expensive dental treatments.

Good dental insurance plans cover up to 100% of treatment costs. Moreover, coverage is not limited to standard care but also includes the cost of high-quality materials and the latest technologies.

We found Deutsche Familienversicherung AG* (DFV), Barmenia*, Feather*, and HUK24 among the best dental insurance providers in Germany as of 2024.

NOTE: Feather is an insurance agent and sells Barmenia’s dental insurance policies. The benefit of taking insurance from Feather is that you can file claims and get customer support in English.

Read our guide on the best dental insurance in Germany to learn more.

What dental costs are covered by supplementary dental insurance?

Dental insurance policies are add-ons to health insurance. They cover the following dental costs.

  • Dental insurance providers reimburse dental costs per the GOZ and GÖA fee schedule. However, insurers limit the maximum “factor” they consider for reimbursem*nt. The dental insurance plans we found best limit the reimbursem*nt to the highest GOZ factor.
  • Many dental treatments are not listed in the GOZ schedule. Dentists can charge whatever fee they want for such treatments. Of course, they must discuss it with the patient first. Many dental insurance companies reject such claims or reimburse part of the costs.
  • Dentists can even charge you using a factor higher than 3.5 if the treatment is time-consuming and complex. Again, your dental insurance will reimburse you up to the factor mentioned in the contract, and you pay the difference on your own.
  • Dental insurers limit reimbursem*nt if public health insurance doesn’t contribute to the treatment cost.

Many customers look at the 100% reimbursem*nt of dental costs and miss the limits mentioned by the insurer. This leads to disputes when claiming dental insurance benefits.


Dental Treatment Cost in Germany [2024 English Guide] (2024)


Dental Treatment Cost in Germany [2024 English Guide]? ›

How much does a professional dental cleaning cost in Germany? Professional teeth cleaning costs between 80 € and 120 € (as of 2024) in Germany. Dentists recommend getting professional teeth cleaning every six months. So you'll spend around 160 € to 240 € per annum on professional dental cleaning.

How much does it cost to get your teeth cleaned in Germany? ›

Is dental treatment expensive in Germany?
  • Professional cleaning: €80+
  • Crowns: €150+
  • Bridges: €340+
  • Root canals: €200–€1,000.
  • Teeth whitening: €30–€70 per tooth.

How much does a full mouth implant cost in Germany? ›

The average cost of a single dental implant in Germany can range from €2,500 to €4,000, while a full mouth implant restoration can reach €20,000 or even more.

How much does a tooth crown cost in Germany? ›

How much do dental prostheses cost?
Denture typeCost
Crown (ceramic)750 - 950 € per tooth
Crown (gold)900 - 1.250 € per tooth
Dental implant1.800 - 3.400 € per tooth
Bone augmentation for implant1.300 - 3.200 €
3 more rows

Which country in Europe has the cheapest dental services? ›

Bulgaria. Bulgaria is an increasingly popular destination for dental tourism, with over 50,000 medical tourists annually. The cost of dental implants in Bulgaria is significantly lower compared to Western European countries, making it an attractive option for international patients.

How much is root canal treatment in Germany? ›

Root canal treatment costs between 200 € and 1000 € per tooth. The public insurer covers the cost only if the tooth can be saved. However, you must still pay part of the costs out of your own pocket. Public health insurance doesn't cover the costs of dental implants.

Does Germany have good dental care? ›

Highly-qualified dentists and good population coverage together mean that dental care in Germany ranks as one of the best in Europe.

What country is the cheapest to get dental implants? ›

With up to 70% on savings, Turkey is one of the cheapest places to get dental implants and a favorite spot for a relaxing holiday. Hungary is a popular option with cost-effective luxury care for those who want to get their implants in Europe.

Is Germany good for dental implants? ›

Germany is one of the most popular choices for dental implant surgery. For those looking to smile more confidently again and talk and chew with more ease, German implants are a good solution.

How much does it cost for full mouth implants in USA? ›

The Cost of a Full Mouth Implant

This option typically runs $60,000 to $90,000. A less expensive option is implant-supported dentures, where two full arches of false teeth replace the natural upper and lower teeth (after any remaining teeth are removed), just as non-implant-supported dentures do.

What country has the cheapest dental crowns? ›

Practicing some dental tourism in Europe might bring the possibility to receive high quality and affordable dental crowns abroad. The best places to get cheap dental crowns abroad are Poland, Turkey, and Hungary due to the price-quality ratio.

Is dental insurance worth it in Germany? ›

Public health insurance only covers treatment and dentures as part of standard care. Supplemental dental insurance therefore makes sense for anyone with public insurance — also, expats in Germany should not do without this insurance cover. You can afford beautiful, healthy teeth without financial burdens.

How much does teeth whitening cost in Germany? ›

For home bleaching & in-office bleaching with custom-made bleaching trays approx. 800 € (plus 19% VAT). Internal bleaching of a discolored, root-treated tooth (walking bleaching technique) per session approx. 180 € (plus 19% VAT).

What country has the best dental in the world? ›

The Top 3 Countries Providing Excellent Oral Healthcare
  • Denmark. Denmark's comprehensive dental care system emphasizes strong preventive measures, leading to a low rate of oral disease over a lifetime. ...
  • Sweden. Sweden's public-private collaboration ensures widespread access to dental services. ...
  • Japan.
Jan 5, 2024

Where is the best place to get your teeth done abroad? ›

That is why it is advisable to opt for dental tourism Europe and get dental implants abroad to obtain treatments with an excellent price-quality ratio. The best places to get dental implants abroad are Poland, Turkey, and Hungary.

Which European country has the best dental treatment? ›

Among the top destinations most visited for dental care and implants are Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Croatia. Aside from the quality of the work, cost is a main reason why people go abroad for dental treatment.

Is teeth cleaning covered by insurance in Germany? ›

German public health insurance covers basic dental services like routine check-ups (every six months), fillings, and teeth cleaning (once a year). However, public health insurance typically covers up to 60% of the costs for more complex dental procedures.

What is professional teeth cleaning in Germany? ›

This is where professional tooth cleaning (PZR) gets involved. All tooth surfaces, interdental spaces and the gum line get thoroughly cleaned and all hard as well as soft plaque and tartar are being removed. Dark discolouration and deposits are also eliminated during this treatment.

Does Germany have dental hygienists? ›

Germany is a member country of both the IFDH and EDHF, although Germany itself does not fully recognize Dental Hygiene as a profession. However, the German Dental Hygiene Association (DDHV) is working hard to establish a fully accredited European Union-recognized University Program.

How much does it cost to whiten your teeth in Germany? ›

For home bleaching & in-office bleaching with custom-made bleaching trays approx. 800 € (plus 19% VAT). Internal bleaching of a discolored, root-treated tooth (walking bleaching technique) per session approx. 180 € (plus 19% VAT).


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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.