EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate NOISE OAR 345 ......2019/10/21  · Obsidian Solar Center X-2 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019 X.2 BACKGROUND NOISE INFORMATION - [PDF Document] (2024)

EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate NOISE OAR 345 ......2019/10/21 · Obsidian Solar Center X-2 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019 X.2 BACKGROUND NOISE INFORMATION - [PDF Document] (1)

Obsidian Solar Center Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019

EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate

NOISE OAR 345-021-0010(1)(x)


(x) Exhibit X. Information about noise generated by construction and operation of the proposed facility, providing evidence to support a finding by the Council that the proposed facility complies with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s noise control standards in OAR 340-035-0035. The applicant shall include:

Rule Sections


(A) Predicted noise levels resulting from construction and operation of the proposed facility.


(B) An analysis of the proposed facility's compliance with the applicable noise regulations in OAR 340-035-0035, including a discussion and justification of the methods and assumptions used in the analysis.


(C) Any measures the applicant proposes to reduce noise levels or noise impacts or to address public complaints about noise from the facility.


(D) Any measures the applicant proposes to monitor noise generated by operation of the facility.


(E) A list of the names and addresses of all owners of noise sensitive property, as defined in OAR 340-035-0015, within one mile of the proposed site boundary.


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EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate NOISE OAR 345 ......2019/10/21 · Obsidian Solar Center X-2 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019 X.2 BACKGROUND NOISE INFORMATION - [PDF Document] (3)

Obsidian Solar Center X-i Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019

EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate

NOISE OAR 345-021-0010(1)(x)


X.1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................... X-1

X.2 BACKGROUND NOISE INFORMATION ............................................................... X-2

X.3 PREDICTED NOISE LEVELS ................................................................................... X-3

X.3.1 Construction ........................................................................................................ X-3

X.3.2 Operation............................................................................................................. X-4

X.4 COMPLIANCE WITH NOISE REGULATIONS ...................................................... X-5

X.4.1 Methods and Assumptions Used in the Analysis ................................................ X-5

X.4.2 Ambient Noise Monitoring ................................................................................. X-6

X.4.3 Compliance ......................................................................................................... X-7

X.5 PROPOSED NOISE REDUCTION MEASURES ..................................................... X-9

X.6 MONITORING NOISE DURING OPERATIONS ................................................. X-10

X.7 NOISE-SENSITIVE PROPERTY OWNERS .......................................................... X-10

X.8 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ X-11

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Obsidian Solar Center X-ii Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019


Table X-1 Typical Sound Levels for Common Sources (in A-Weighted Decibels) ............ X-2

Table X-2 Typical Construction Noise Levels for Phases of Construction ......................... X-3

Table X-3 Predicted Facility Operational Noise Levels at Noise Sensitive Properties ....... X-4

Table X-4 Operation Noise Sources and Reference Noise Levels ....................................... X-6

Table X-5 Lowest Measured Background Noise Levels ..................................................... X-7

Table X-6 New Industrial and Commercial Noise Source Standards .................................. X-8

Table X-7 Noise Level Compliance Summary .................................................................... X-9

Table X-8 Noise Sensitive Property Owners ..................................................................... X-11


Figure X-1 Noise Sensitive Properties APPENDICES

Appendix X-1 Noise Study

EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate NOISE OAR 345 ......2019/10/21 · Obsidian Solar Center X-2 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019 X.2 BACKGROUND NOISE INFORMATION - [PDF Document] (5)

Obsidian Solar Center X-1 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019


Obsidian Solar Center LLC (Applicant) proposes to construct the Obsidian Solar Center (Facility) in Lake County, Oregon, with an alternating current generating capacity of up to 400 megawatts. Please refer to Exhibit B for Facility layout information and Exhibit C for Facility location information.

This exhibit provides the information required by Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 345-021-0010(1)(x): Information about noise generated by construction and operation of the proposed facility, providing evidence to support a finding by the Council that the proposed facility complies with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s noise control standards in OAR 340-035-0035.

As described in Exhibit B, this Application for Site Certificate analyzes the potential impacts from two design scenarios: a stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) solar power generation build-out, and a PV solar power generation plus battery storage build-out. This exhibit analyzes a layout for the PV solar power generation plus battery storage build-out scenario because it will require a larger number of noise-producing equipment during Facility operation.

Executive Summary

The evidence presented in this exhibit demonstrates that Facility construction and operation will comply with the standards provided in OAR 340-035-0035. The results of the noise analysis show that there will be no exceedances of the thresholds provided in the standards. Specifically, noise levels at all nearby noise sensitive properties are predicted to be below the maximum allowable limits for new industrial noise sources, as provided in the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) “Table 8” (DEQ 2018). Predicted noise level increases above existing ambient levels at noise sensitive properties are also all below the 10 A-weighted decibel (dBA) maximum allowed by the standards. The noise analysis did not include any additional attenuation for groundcover, such as trees and shrubs. Furthermore, the noise levels presented were calculated assuming wet conditions and include noise from the 115-kV transmission lines where applicable. Therefore, the noise levels presented are likely more conservative and higher than what would be expected from the actual installation. Noise levels that will be generated by this Facility—and solar PV facilities in general—are inherently low. However, to further decrease potential noise levels, Applicant will place all solar array inverter/transformer units—one of the primary potential sources of noise of this Facility—at least 500 feet from the site boundary in areas within proximity to noise sensitive properties. Applicant proposes this measure as a condition of approval for the Site Certificate.

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Obsidian Solar Center X-2 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019


Noise is measured in terms of sound pressure level. It is sometimes expressed in decibels (dB), which is a unit describing the amplitude of sound. In general, the dB scale is a logarithmic conversion of absolute air pressure to units that are more convenient and easier to understand.

To better approximate the sensitivity of the human ear to sounds of different frequencies, the A-weighted decibel scale is often used. Because the human ear is less sensitive to higher and lower frequencies, the A-weighted scale reduces the sound level contributions of these frequencies. When the A-weighted scale is used, the decibel levels are denoted as dBA. All noise levels referred to in this exhibit are stated as sound pressure levels in terms of dBA. The A-weighted scale is used in most ordinances and standards, including the applicable noise standards (OAR 340-035-0035) for this Facility.

To account for the time-varying nature of noise, the statistical noise descriptor Lxx is used in the OAR. The sound level descriptor Lxx is defined as the sound level exceeded “XX” percent of the time. For example, the L50 is the sound level exceeded 50 percent of the time. Therefore, during a 1-hour measurement, an L50 of 55 dBA means the sound level was 55 dBA or louder for 30 minutes of the hour.

Table X-1 provides typical noise levels for common noise sources. More detailed information on noise, including sample noise levels of typical sources and activities, is provided in Appendix X-1.

Table X-1 Typical Sound Levels for Common Sources (in A-Weighted Decibels)

Source/Location Sound Level (dBA) Threshold of Hearing 0 Motion Picture Studio–Ambient 20 Library 35 Chicago Suburbs—Nighttime Minimum 40 Wind in Deciduous Trees (2–14 mph) 3–61 Falling Rain (Variable Rainfall Rates) 41–63 Tomato Field on California Farm 44 Small Town/Quiet Suburb 47–53 Private Business Office 50 Light Traffic at 100 feet Away 50 Average Residence 50 Large Retail Store 60 Average Traffic on Street Corner 75 Inside Sports Car (50 mph) 80 Los Angeles - 0.75 Miles from Jet Landing 86

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Obsidian Solar Center X-3 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019

Table X-1 Typical Sound Levels for Common Sources (in A-Weighted Decibels)

Source/Location Sound Level (dBA) Inside New York Subway Train 95 Loud Automobile Horn (at 1 meter) 115

Source: EPA 1974; IEEE 1974; Miller 1978 Key: dBA = A-weighted decibels mph = miles per hour


OAR 345-021-0010(1)(x)(A) Predicted noise levels resulting from construction and operation of the proposed facility.


X.3.1 Construction

Construction activity is exempt under OAR 340-035-0035(5)(g); therefore, this exhibit does not provide project-specific construction noise level predictions. However, to aid in the understanding of Facility construction, an analysis of construction noise is provided in Appendix X-1, and a summary of typical values is presented in Table X-2.

Table X-2 Typical Construction Noise Levels for Phases of Construction

Construction Phase Loudest Equipment Maximum Noise Level at 50

feet (dBA Lmax) Clearing, grubbing, and earthwork

Bulldozer, Grader, Backhoe, Haul Trucks 88

Foundation and Base preparation for systems

Backhoe, Loader, Tractor Trailers, Crane 84

Support installation Pneumatic impact pile drivers 94 – 101 Solar Array and Transmission Line Installation

Backhoe, Loader, Tractor Trailers, Crane 84

Source: FHWA (2006) Roadway Construction Noise Model Key: dBA = A-weighted decibels

EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate NOISE OAR 345 ......2019/10/21 · Obsidian Solar Center X-2 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019 X.2 BACKGROUND NOISE INFORMATION - [PDF Document] (8)

Obsidian Solar Center X-4 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019

X.3.2 Operation

The only noise-sensitive properties identified within approximately 1 mile of the site boundary were residential structures. Sixteen noise sensitive properties (residences) occur within 1 mile of the site boundary and one additional noise sensitive property (R-7) is about 1.1 miles from the site boundary (refer to Figure X-1). Applicant included R-7 in the analysis, even though it was outside of the 1-mile distance, because it was the closest residence at the southwest end of the site boundary. All noise sensitive properties are residences that appear to be occupied.

Table X-3 reports the predicted noise levels of Facility equipment during operation at the noise sensitive properties. Section X.4 includes a discussion and justification of the methods and assumptions used in the analysis, including a description of on-site field monitoring for existing background noise levels and the noise modeling software used to help determine compliance with the OAR 340-035-0035 standard.

Table X-3 Predicted Facility Operational Noise Levels at Noise Sensitive Properties

Noise Sensitive Propertiesa Total Noise of Facility Equipment (dBA)b R-1 33 R-2 28 R-3 30 R-4 31 R-5 31 R-6 28 R-7 22 R-8 21 R-9 23 R-10 27 R-11 28 R-12 22 R-13 23 R-14 21 R-15 27 R-16 28 R-17 28

Notes: (a) As depicted on Figure X-1. (b) Total noise sensitive property from all noise sources, calculated using noise modeling software

SoundPlan Essential Version 4.1. Per OAR 340-35-0035(3)(b), prediction site is 25 feet from the building toward the noise source, or at a point on the noise sensitive property line that is nearest the noise source, whichever is greater.

Key: dBA = A-weighted decibels

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Obsidian Solar Center X-5 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019


OAR 345-021-0010(1)(x)(B) An analysis of the proposed facility's compliance with the applicable noise regulations in OAR 340-035-0035, including a discussion and justification of the methods and assumptions used in the analysis.


X.4.1 Methods and Assumptions Used in the Analysis

To verify compliance with the OAR 340-035-0035 standard, noise levels were predicted for the 17 representative noise sensitive properties depicted in Figure X-1 using SoundPlan Essential Version 4.1 noise modeling software and the expected operational noise levels of noise producing equipment. The calculations conducted by SoundPlan to model noise levels are based on and are compliant with the International Standards Organization (ISO) 9613-2 methods for outdoor propagation of noise sources, like those from solar facilities, wind farms, and other industrial sources. The software allows the input of geographical and topographical information and provides a true 3-D acoustical model for noise propagation. Input to the model included topographical information, the locations of primary Facility noise-producing equipment (see Table X-4 types and numbers of equipment), and locations of noise-sensitive properties within 1.1 miles of the facility.

Noise levels that will be generated by this Facility during operation—and by solar PV generating facilities in general—are inherently low. Much of the equipment that will be installed for the Facility will not produce any noise at all; however, some equipment, such as inverter/transformer units within the solar array, substation transformers, battery storage units, and the transmission line, have the potential to produce increased audible noise levels at nearby locations.

Operation noise levels for the inverter/transformer units, substation transformers, battery storage units, and transmission lines were obtained from several sources, including manufactures specifications, field measurements of similar equipment made at other existing facilities and data from other reports for similar projects, and information provided by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association ([NEMA]; 2013)(see Appendix X-1 for details). The 115-kV generation-tie (gen-tie) transmission line will potentially produce some corona noise, which can occur from electronic ionization of the air surrounding transmission lines. The level of corona noise produced is dependent on many factors, and for most small lines, like the 115-kV lines proposed, noise only occurs when there is a high level of moisture in the air. To maintain a conservative analysis and ensure that all potential impacts are identified, the analysis was performed assuming wet conditions that would result in corona noise production. Table X-4 identifies the types, numbers of, and estimated sound power levels of the noise generating equipment for the Facility during operation. Appendix X-1 provides complete details on the equipment proposed for the site and reference noise levels.

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Obsidian Solar Center X-6 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019

Table X-4 Operation Noise Sources and Reference Noise Levels

Equipment Number of Unitsa Sound Power Level

(dBA) Solar Array Invertor/Transformerb 159 87 Battery/Energy Storage Unitc 64 88 Collector Substation (34.5-kV to 115-kV)d 4 97 115 kV Transmission Linee 1 46 Step-up Substation (115-kV to 500-kV)f 1 105 Note: a. Number of each type of noise-producing unit included in SoundPlan modeling. b. Based on Power Electronics FS3000M Specification of < 79 dBA at 3 feet (see Attachment B Representative

Equipment Specifications). c. Based on General Electric Battery/Energy Storage Unit Specifications of <60 dBA at 3 meters (see Attachment B

Representative Equipment Specifications). Audible noise may be produced by cooling systems and transformers. d. Based on sound power level for a typical solar collector 35.5-kV to 115-kV power transformer of 97

dBA.(Boardman Solar Energy Facility 2017, Carty Generating Station 2018). e. Based on typical corona noise levels provided in Appendix AA-1 of Exhibit AA of this Application for Site

Certificate of: < 15 dBA for wet conditions at 50 feet and 0 dBA for dry conditions at 50 feet; for this analysis, the sound power of 46 dBA is based on the worst case level of 15 dBA at 50 feet.

f. Based on sound power level for a typical 115-kV to 500-kV step-up transformer of 97 to 105 dBA; the higher 105 dBA level was used to assure a conservative analysis (Carty Generating Station 2011)

Distances from the noise sources to each of the 17 representative noise sensitive properties were measured using computer-aided drafting (CAD) software with calibrated aerial photo overlays. All noise sensitive properties are approximately 1,000 feet or more from the site boundary in Area A, which will house the solar array inverter/transformer units, battery storage units, and up to four collector substations.

Noise sensitive properties are more than 2,500 feet from Area D, which will house the 115-to-500-kV step-up substation; and more than 200 feet from the 115-kV gen-tie transmission line corridor (refer to Figure X-1). Refer to Figure 1 in Appendix X-1 for the representative location of inverters use for the predicted noise calculations.

No additional attenuation was assumed for groundcover shielding, such as from trees or shrubs. In addition, the noise levels presented were calculated assuming wet conditions and include noise from the 115-kV transmission lines where applicable. Therefore, the noise levels presented are likely slightly higher than what would be expected from the actual installation. The results of the predicted noise calculations for Facility equipment are provided in Table X-3 and Table X-7 (refer to the “Total Noise of Facility Equipment” columns).

X.4.2 Ambient Noise Monitoring

To verify that the noise level increases at noise sensitive properties will comply with the standard, it was necessary to obtain existing ambient noise levels in the area surrounding the Facility site. Ambient noise refers to the existing background composite of noise from all sources near and far, as measured at a given location. To accomplish this, on-site noise monitoring was

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Obsidian Solar Center X-7 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019

performed at two representative sites (see Figure X-1). The noise monitoring was performed on July 5 through July 7, 2018, using two noise monitoring systems and measuring at both sites simultaneously. Measurements were taken for at least 48 hours at each site. Weather was clear, and there was no precipitation during the measurement period. Site M-1 is near a cluster of residences located between Area D and the solar array in Area A, and was used to represent noise sensitive properties R-1 through R-7. Site M-2 is north of the solar array in Area A and was used to represent noise sensitive properties R-8 through R-17. Monitoring site M-2 is in an area with fewer residences and lower traffic volumes than monitoring site M-1. All measurement procedures complied with the procedures adopted and set forth in the Sound Measurement Procedures Manual (NPCS-1) (DEQ 1983). Table X-5 provides the minimum hourly L10 and L50 for each site over the 48-hour measurement period. Refer to Appendix X-1 for further details regarding methods and results of the ambient noise monitoring.

Table X-5 Lowest Measured Background Noise Levels Monitoring Site L10 L50

M-1 30 28 M-2 22 20

Note: Additional details for measured noise levels, see Appendix X-1 Key: L10 = sound level exceeded 10 percent of the time L50 = sound level exceeded 50 percent of the time

X.4.3 Compliance

Compliance with the OAR 340-035-0035 standard was determined using two criteria. The standard requires that no new industrial or commercial operational noise source located on a previously unused industrial or commercial site may:

• Exceed the levels specified in Table 8 (DEQ 2018), as measured at an appropriate measurement point, or

• Increase the ambient statistical noise levels, L10 or L50, by more than 10 dBA in any one hour, as measured at an appropriate measurement point.

The first step in determining compliance with the standard was to compare the predicted noise levels of Facility operational equipment at noise sensitive properties (Tables X-3 and X-7) with the maximum allowable noise levels for New Industrial and Commercial Noise Source in DEQ’s “Table 8,” which are reported here in Table X-6.

The most stringent noise level thresholds in the standard are L50 levels of 55 dBA for daytime hours and 50 dBA for nighttime hours (Table X-6). The predicted noise levels at the noise sensitive properties are all well below the thresholds and range from 21 to 33 dBA (Tables X-3 and X-7). Therefore, Facility operation will comply with this portion of the standard.

EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate NOISE OAR 345 ......2019/10/21 · Obsidian Solar Center X-2 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019 X.2 BACKGROUND NOISE INFORMATION - [PDF Document] (12)

Obsidian Solar Center X-8 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019

Table X-6 New Industrial and Commercial Noise Source Standards

Statistical Descriptor Daytime (7 am to 10 pm)

(dBA) Night (10 pm to 7 am)

(dBA) L1 75 60 L10 60 55 L50 55 50

Source: OAR 340-035-0035 Table 8. Key: dBA = A-weighted decibels L1 = sound level exceeded 1 percent of the time L10 = sound level exceeded 10 percent of the time L50 = sound level exceeded 50 percent of the time

The second step in determining compliance with the standard was to verify compliance with the maximum allowable increase of 10 dBA above ambient statistical noise level criterion for the L10 and L50 noise level descriptors. Estimated ambient noise levels at each of the noise sensitive properties are provided in Table X-7 (refer to the “Existing Background L50” column). Refer to Appendix X-1 for further details on recorded noise levels.

Table X-7 was prepared using the L50 ambient measured noise levels reported in Table X-5, and the Facility equipment noise level predictions from Table X-3, to summarize compliance with the 10 dBA maximum increase above ambient levels portion of the standard. Table X-7 provides the logarithmical sums of the measured minimum L50 noise levels (see the “Existing Background L50” column) and the predicted noise levels from operational equipment (see the “Total Noise of Facility Equipment” column) to arrive at the predicted total future noise levels (see the “Combined Noise” column).

To determine the potential change in noise levels above the existing ambient noise levels, the “Existing Background” values are subtracted from the “Combined Noise” values. Note that the L50 thresholds were selected for this analysis because they are the most stringent and most likely to result in non-compliance with the standard. As shown in Table X-7, predicted noise levels at all noise sensitive properties have L50 increases of 9 dBA or less; therefore, the future level are within the allowable 10 dBA increase from OAR 345-035-0035. Facility operations will comply with this portion of the standard.

Given the relatively flat topography within the site boundary and the surrounding areas, it is reasonable to presume that noise levels at properties farther away from the site boundary than the noise sensitive properties that were evaluated will also meet the OAR standard for operational noise.

EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate NOISE OAR 345 ......2019/10/21 · Obsidian Solar Center X-2 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019 X.2 BACKGROUND NOISE INFORMATION - [PDF Document] (13)

Obsidian Solar Center X-9 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019

Table X-7 Noise Level Compliance Summary

Noise Sensitive Property

Existing Background

(ambient) L50 (dBA)(a)

Total Noise of Facility Equipment


Combined Noise (Background + Total Noise of

Facility Equipment, dBA)(c)

Total Change in L50 Noise


Compliance with OAR

340-035-0035 Standard

R-1 28 33 34 +6 Yes R-2 28 28 31 +3 Yes R-3 28 30 32 +4 Yes R-4 28 31 33 +5 Yes R-5 28 31 33 +5 Yes R-6 28 28 31 +3 Yes R-7 28 22 29 +1 Yes R-8 20 21 24 +4 Yes R-9 20 23 25 +5 Yes R-10 20 27 28 +8 Yes R-11 20 28 29 +9 Yes R-12 20 22 24 +4 Yes R-13 20 23 25 +5 Yes R-14 20 21 24 +4 Yes R-15 20 27 28 +8 Yes R-16 20 28 29 +9 Yes R-17 20 28 29 +9 Yes

Notes: (a) Background measured noise level: L50, using minimum M-1 for R-1 through R-7 and M-3 for R-8 through R-17. (b) Total Noise from Facility operation equipment at noise sensitive properties, as reported in Table X-3. (c) Total noise, background and Facility operations, predicted by logarithmically summing the background noise and Facility

operational noise. (d) Change in total noise at noise sensitive properties. Key: dBA = A-weighted decibels L50 = sound level exceeded 50 percent of the time OAR = Oregon Administrative Rules


OAR 345-021-0010(1)(x)(C) Any measures the applicant proposes to reduce noise levels or noise impacts or to address public complaints about noise from the facility.


EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate NOISE OAR 345 ......2019/10/21 · Obsidian Solar Center X-2 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019 X.2 BACKGROUND NOISE INFORMATION - [PDF Document] (14)

Obsidian Solar Center X-10 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019

Applicant’s noise analysis demonstrates that operation of the Facility will comply with all applicable regulatory requirements of the OAR 345-035-0035 standard. Primarily, this is due to the inherently low noise levels associated with solar PV technology. In addition, Applicant is proposing the following measure designed specifically to further reduce noise produced by the Facility operation:

• Inverter/transformer unit set-back: inverter/transformers within the solar array will be placed at least 500 feet from the site boundary in areas in proximity to noise sensitive properties to increase the distance between the noise source and noise sensitive properties, resulting in lower overall noise levels outside of the site boundary.

As stated earlier, it is also important to note that this analysis was performed with no additional attenuation for groundcover, topographical shielding, or shielding from battery storage containers or the solar array systems. Furthermore, the noise predictions included the wet conditions for corona noise from the 115-kV gen-tie transmission line. Based on these factors, the predicted noise levels presented in this exhibit are likely more conservative and higher than what will occur during the actual Facility operation. Therefore, no additional noise reduction measures are necessary for operation of the Facility.


OAR 345-021-0010(1)(x)(D) Any measures the applicant proposes to monitor noise generated by operation of the facility.


Given the low noise level predictions, on-site noise monitoring for compliance of the noise standard should not be required. The predicted noise levels of Facility operational equipment at the nearest noise sensitive properties range from 21 to 33 dBA. Noise levels of this magnitude are extremely low, and they are not expected to increase the existing ambient L50 by more than +1 to +9 dBA, with typical maximum operational noise levels of 21 to 33 dBA. Noise levels of 21 to 33 dBA are typically only found in very rural areas with little or no traffic, quiet libraries, and recording studios (see Table X-1).


OAR 345-021-0010(1)(x)(E) A list of the names and addresses of all owners of noise sensitive property, as defined in OAR 340-035-0015, within one mile of the proposed site boundary.

Response: Table X-8 provides property information for all owners of noise sensitive properties within 1 mile of the site boundary along with R-7, located 1.1 miles from the site boundary.

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Obsidian Solar Center X-11 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019

Table X-8 Noise Sensitive Property Owners Noise

Sensitive Property

Number (as shown on

Figure X-1) Map and Tax Lot Owner Name Owner

Address City State ZIP

R-1 26S15E000003200 Fine Troy D & Roberta K

83394 Connley Lane Silver Lake OR 97638

R-2 26S16E000005500 Forman Shane & Jacey

83136 Connley Lane Silver Lake OR 97638

R-3, R-4 26S16E000005300 Fine Harold L & Judy

83391 Connley Ln Silver Lake OR 97638

R-5 26S16E000005700 Fine Troy D & Roberta K

83394 Connley Lane Silver Lake OR 97638

R-6 26S16E000005601 Forman Shane & Jacey

83136 Connley Lane Silver Lake OR 97638

R-7 26S16E00007400 G & J Hanson Farms LLC PO Box 69 Fort Rock OR 97735

R-8 26S16E000001300 Runels Scott L & Margie B PO Box 39 Fort Rock OR 97735

R-9 26S16E000000900 Runels Scott L & Margie B PO Box 39 Fort Rock OR 97735

R-10 26S16E000001801 Stevenson John B & Joyce PO Box 437

Christmas Valley OR 97641

R-11 26S16E000002707 Runels Scott L & Margie B PO Box 39 Fort Rock OR 97735

R-12 26S16E000003400 Mauney Dennis & Pamela PO Box 1031 Ferndale CA 95536

R-13 26S16E000003500 Mauney Dennis & Pamela PO Box 1031 Ferndale CA 95536

R-14 26S16E000003800 Beasley Jesse Lee 2422 Lara CT. Medford OR 97504

R-15 26S16E000004401 Horton Leeroy & Nancy B PO Box 784

Christmas Valley OR 97641

R-16 26S16E000004400 Hogan David L & Rita F 2614 1ST St. Tillamook OR 97141

R-17 26S16E000002705 Horton Trust PO Box 784 Christmas Valley OR 97641


DEQ (Oregon Department of Environmental Quality). 2018. Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 340, Division 35 Noise Control Regulations Tables. https://www.oregon.gov/deq/Rulemaking%20Docs/div35table1-10.pdf Accessed August 1, 2018.

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Obsidian Solar Center X-12 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019

__________.1983. Sound Measurement Procedures Manual (NPCS-1). Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.

https://www.oregon.gov/deq/Rulemaking%20Docs/div35npcs01.pdf Accessed August 27, 2018. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 1974. “Information on Levels of Environmental Noise

Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate Margin of Safety”, No. 550/9-74-004, March.

Esri. 2019. “World Imagery” [basemap]. Scale Not Given.

https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=10df2279f9684e4a9f6a7f08febac2a9. Accessed October 10, 2019.

FHWA (Federal Highway Administration). 2006. FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model User’s

Guide. Final Report. U.S. Department of Transportation. January, 2006. https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/noise/construction_noise/rcnm/rcnm.pdf Accessed August 27, 2018.

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). 1974. Psychoacoustics–Proceedings of a

Workshop IEEE Power Engineering Society, Publication Number 21 74 CHO 967-0PWR, July 17.

Miller, L.N. 1978. “Sound Levels of Rain and Wind in the Trees.” Noise Control Engineering 11(3):101–

109, November/December. NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association). NEMA TR 1-2013, Transformers, Step Voltage

Regulators and Reactors. NEMA Standards Publication 2013. https://www.nema.org/Standards/Pages/Transformers-Regulators-and-Reactors.aspx. Accessed February 13, 2019.

Power Electronics. 2018. Solar Inverter Stations Solutions Brochure. Technical Characteristics for HEMK

600V/FS3000K (p. 41). http://www.downloads.power-electronics.com/15%20FREESUN/01%20CATALOGOS/Solar_brochure_20180615_def.pdf Accessed July 10, 2018.

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!( !(















Area AArea D

Gen-tie TransmissionLine Corridor

MP-1R-1 R-2







R-11 R-12


















Figure X-1Noise Sensitive Properties

Obsidian Solar CenterSeptember 20180 1 2 Miles

$ 0 1 2 Kilometers





ic Oc







Portland !(Noise SensitiveProperty (residence)

#* Noise Monitoring LocationsGen-tie Transmission LineSite Boundary1-Mile Buffer

Bonneville Power Administration Transmission Line (500kV)PGE Transmission Line (500kV)

Sources: Esri 2018Obsidian Solar Center LLC

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Obsidian Solar Center Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019

Appendix X-1 Noise Study

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Noise Analysis

Obsidian Solar Center

March 11, 2019

Prepared by:

Michael Minor & Associates

Portland, Oregon

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March 11, 2019



1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Project Description......................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Introduction to Noise ..................................................................................................... 1

1.3. Noise Level Descriptors ................................................................................................. 3 1.4. Decibel Mathematics ..................................................................................................... 4

2. Regulations ....................................................................................................................... 5 2.1. Oregon DEQ Noise Control Regulations ....................................................................... 5 2.2. EFSC Regulations Related to Noise .............................................................................. 6

3. Existing Conditions ........................................................................................................... 7

3.1. Existing Ambient Noise Levels ..................................................................................... 7 4. Facility Operation Equipment and Analysis Methods .................................................... 11

4.1. Noise Emitting Facility Equipment ............................................................................. 11

4.1.1. Inverter/Transformer Units in the Solar Array ..................................................... 11 4.1.2. Battery/Energy Storage Units ............................................................................... 12 4.1.3. Collector Substation Transformers (34.5-kV to 115-kV) ..................................... 12

4.1.4. 115-kV Gen-tie Transmission Line ...................................................................... 12 4.1.5. Step-Up Substation Transformer (115-kV to 500-kV) ......................................... 12

4.1.6. Variance of Operation Equipment ........................................................................ 13 4.2. Other Noise Sources .................................................................................................... 13

5. Noise Modeling ............................................................................................................... 14

5.1. Modeling Methods ....................................................................................................... 14 5.2. Modeling Results ......................................................................................................... 15

6. Compliance Analysis ...................................................................................................... 18 6.1. Maximum Allowable Noise Level Criteria.................................................................. 18

6.2. Maximum Allowable Noise Increase Criteria ............................................................. 18 6.3. Properties Farther than 1.1 Miles from the Facility Site Boundary ............................. 20

7. Noise Mitigation Analysis .............................................................................................. 21 8. Construction Noise Analysis........................................................................................... 22

8.1. Method of Analysis ...................................................................................................... 22

8.2. Construction Methods and Equipment......................................................................... 22 8.3. Construction Noise Levels ........................................................................................... 23 8.4. Construction Mitigation Measures ............................................................................... 26

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Table 1. Sound Levels and Relative Loudness of Typical Noise Sources ................................ 3 Table 2. DEQ New Industrial and Commercial Noise Source Standards ................................. 5 Table 3. DEQ Median Octave Band Standards for Industrial and Commercial Noise Sources 6 Table 4. Summary of Measured Minimum Background Noise Levels .................................. 10 Table 5. Operation Noise Sources and Reference Noise Levels ............................................ 11

Table 6. Predicted Facility Operational Noise Levels at Noise Sensitive Properties ............. 17 Table 7. Noise Level Compliance Summary .......................................................................... 19 Table 8: Construction Equipment List, Use, and Maximum Noise Levels ............................ 23 Table 9: Estimated Peak Hour Construction Noise Levels ..................................................... 24


Figure 1. Facility Location and Overview ................................................................................ 2 Figure 2. Facility Layout, Residences and Noise Monitoring Locations ................................. 8

Figure 3. Photos of Monitoring Site M-1.................................................................................. 8 Figure 4. Photos of Monitoring Site M-2.................................................................................. 9 Figure 5. Plot of Measured Noise Levels................................................................................ 10

Figure 6. Noise Modeling Locations ...................................................................................... 16 Figure 7. Expected Construction Noise Levels versus Distance 50 to 3,000 feet .................. 25

Figure 8. Expected Construction Noise Levels versus Distance past 3,000 feet .................... 26


Attachment A References ..................................................................................................... A-1

Attachment B Representative Equipment Specifications ..................................................... B-1 Attachment C Table of Field Measurements ........................................................................ C-1 Attachment D SoundPlan Output Graphics .......................................................................... D-1

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1 Obsidian Solar Center Noise Analysis

March 11, 2019

1. Introduction

This noise analysis was prepared at the request of Obsidian Solar Center LLC and its

environmental consultant, Ecology and Environment, Inc. Obsidian Solar Center LLC

proposes to construct the Obsidian Solar Center (the facility) in Lake County, Oregon. This

report was prepared to demonstrate compliance with the Oregon Department of

Environmental Quality (DEQ) noise regulations in OAR 340-035-0035. This report provides

an analysis of noise emissions from the proposed facility during operation and compares

them to the allowable limits in OAR 340-035-0035 to demonstrate compliance with DEQ

regulations and the Oregon Energy Facility Siting Council (EFSC) requirements related to

noise in OAR 345-021-0010(1).

1.1. Project Description

Obsidian Solar Center LLC proposes a photovoltaic (PV) solar power generation facility and

related or supporting facilities located in Lake County, Oregon. The facility will consist of up

to approximately 4,000 acres and provide a nominal alternating current generating capacity

of up to 400 megawatts. This analysis is for the proposed full build-out of the PV modules

and battery storage layout option (with battery enclosures dispersed across the facility).

Figure 1 provides a facility location overview. More information on facility construction and

operation, locations of noise producing equipment, and locations of noise sensitive properties

are provided in the following sections.

1.2. Introduction to Noise

The human response to sound is subjective and can vary greatly from person to person.

Factors that can influence individual response include the loudness, frequency, amount of

background noise present, and nature of the work or activity (e.g., sleeping) and time. When

sounds become unpleasant, or are unwanted, we tend to classify them as noise.

Noise is measured in terms of sound pressure level. It is expressed in decibels (dB), which

are defined as 10 log P2/P2ref, where P is the root-mean-square (RMS) sound pressure and

Pref is the reference RMS sound pressure of 2 x 10-5 Newton per square meter. In general, the

dB scale is a logarithmic conversion of absolute air pressure to units that are more convenient

and easier to understand.

To better approximate the sensitivity of the human ear to sounds of different frequencies, the

A-weighted decibel scale was developed. Because the human ear is less sensitive to higher

and lower frequencies, the A-weighted scale reduces the sound level contributions of these

frequencies. When the A-weighted scale is used, the decibel levels are denoted as dBA.

All noise levels referred to in this report are stated as sound pressure levels in terms of deci-

bels on the A-scale (dBA). The A-scale is used in most ordinances and standards, including

the applicable standards for this facility.

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2 Obsidian Solar Center Noise Analysis

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Figure 1. Facility Location and Overview

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3 Obsidian Solar Center Noise Analysis

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A 10-dBA increase in noise levels is judged by most people as a doubling of sound level. The

smallest change in noise level that a human ear can perceive is about 3 dBA, and increases of

5 dBA or more are clearly noticeable. Normal conversation ranges between 44 and 65 dBA

when speakers are 3 to 6 feet apart. Noise levels in a quiet rural area at night are typically

between 30 and 35 dBA. Quiet urban nighttime noise levels range from 40 to 50 dBA. Noise

levels during the day in a noisy urban area are frequently as high as 70 to 80 dBA. Noise

levels above 110 dBA become intolerable and then painful, while levels higher than 80 dBA

over continuous periods can result in hearing loss. Table 1 provides a scale of common noise

sources and typical public responses.

Table 1. Sound Levels and Relative Loudness of Typical Noise Sources

Noise Source or Activity

Sound Level (dBA)

Subjective Impression

Relative Loudness (human judgment of

different sound levels)

Jet aircraft takeoff from carrier (50 feet) 140 Threshold of pain 64 times as loud 50-hp siren (100 feet) 130 32 times as loud Loud rock concert near stage, Jet takeoff (200 feet) 120 Uncomfortably loud 16 times as loud

Float plane takeoff (100 feet) 110 8 times as loud Jet takeoff (2,000 feet) 100 Very loud 4 times as loud Heavy truck or motorcycle (25 feet) 90 2 times as loud Garbage disposal, food blender (2 feet), Pneumatic drill (50 feet)

80 Moderately loud Reference loudness

Vacuum cleaner (10 feet), Passenger car at 65 mph (25 feet) 70 1/2 as loud

Large store air-conditioning unit (20 feet) 60 1/4 as loud

Light auto traffic (100 feet) 50 Quiet 1/8 as loud Bedroom or quiet living room, Bird calls 40 1/16 as loud Quiet library, soft whisper (15 feet) 30 Very quiet High quality recording studio 20 Acoustic Test Chamber 10 Just audible 0 Threshold of hearing Sources: Beranek (1988) and EPA (1971)

1.3. Noise Level Descriptors

To account for the time-varying nature of noise, several noise metrics are useful. Commonly

used noise descriptors include the Lmax, Lmin, Leq, and Lxx. The Lmax and Lmin are the

greatest and smallest RMS (root-mean-square) sound levels, in dBA, measured during a

specified measurement period. The equivalent sound pressure level (Leq) is defined as the

average noise level, on an energy basis, for a stated time period (for example, hourly).

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4 Obsidian Solar Center Noise Analysis

March 11, 2019

The sound level descriptor Lxx is defined as the sound level exceeded “XX” percent of the

time. This description is one of the main noise level descriptors applicable to this facility, and

is used in the DEQ noise regulations.

Three common examples of the Lxx include:

L01: The sound level exceeded 1 percent of the time. This is a measure of the loudest

sound levels during the measurement period. Example: During a 1-hour

measurement, an L1 of 75 dBA means the sound level was 75 dBA or louder for 0.6

minutes, or 36 seconds.

L10: The sound level exceeded 10 percent of the time. This is a measure of the louder

sound levels during the measurement period. Example: During a 1-hour

measurement, an L10 of 60 dBA means the sound level was 60 dBA or louder for 6


L50: The sound level exceeded 50 percent of the time. Example: During a 1-hour

measurement, an L50 of 55 dBA means the sound level was 55 dBA or louder for 30


1.4. Decibel Mathematics

An important factor to recognize is that noise is measured on a decibel scale, and combining

two noises is not achieved by simple addition. For example, combining two 60 dB noises

does not give 120 dB (which is near the pain threshold), but yields 63 dB which is lower than

the volume at which most people listen to their televisions. For reference, if two noise

sources are 10 dB apart, for example, 50 dB and 60 dB, the sum of the two noise levels will

simply be the louder of the two, in this case 60 dB. This is to say that for similar noise

sources that are 10 dB apart in magnitude, a person would only be able to hear the louder of

the two sources.

Examples of simplified decibel addition, based on the difference between the two levels, are

provided below for reference, as they will aid in the understanding of the facility noise

impact analysis.

Difference between the two noise sources Amount added to the higher of the two noise levels

0 to 1 dB 3 dB 2 to 3 dB 2 dB 4 to 9 dB 1 dB

10 dB or more 0 dB

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5 Obsidian Solar Center Noise Analysis

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2. Regulations

Regulations applicable to the operation of the proposed facility are taken from the DEQ

Noise Control Regulations in OAR 340-35-0035, and EFSC requirements related to noise in

OAR 345-021-0010(1).

2.1. Oregon DEQ Noise Control Regulations

DEQ Noise Control Regulations are applicable at noise sensitive properties. OAR 340-35-

0015(38) defines a noise-sensitive property as property normally used for sleeping (e.g.,

residences) and also includes properties used for schools, churches, hospitals, or public

libraries. Industrial or agricultural property use is not considered noise sensitive unless it

includes one or more of the noise sensitive buildings described above.

The regulations are applicable at appropriate measurement locations. The appropriate

measurements location on a noise sensitive property is defined in OAR 340-35-0035(3)(b),

and is the farthest of the following two points:

Twenty-five feet toward the noise source from that point on the noise sensitive

building that is nearest to the noise source; or

The point on the noise sensitive property line that is nearest the noise source.

The primary applicable noise regulation used for this analysis are taken from OAR 340-035-

0035(1)(b)(B)(i), which states: No person owning or controlling a new industrial or

commercial noise source located on a previously unused industrial or commercial site shall

cause or permit the operation of that noise source if the noise levels generated or indirectly

caused by that noise source increase the ambient statistical noise levels, L10 or L50, by more

than 10 dBA in any one hour, or exceed the levels specified below in Table 8, as measured at

an appropriate measurement point, as specified in subsection (3)(b) of this rule . The

appropriate measuring points are defined above. Table 2 provides the levels specified in

“Table 8” from the DEQ regulations.

Table 2. DEQ New Industrial and Commercial Noise Source Standards

Statistical Descriptor

New Noise Source (dBA)

7 am – 10 pm 10 pm – 7 am

L1 75 60 L10 60 55 L50 55 50

Source: OAR 340-035-0035, Table 8.

OAR 340-035-0035 further limits existing industrial noise sources that can be described as

impact or impulse noise (e.g., blasting) as well as audible discrete tones or tonal noise.

Impulse sounds are limited to 100 dB, peak response, between the hours of 7 am and 10 pm

and 80 dB, peak response, between the hours of 10 pm and 7 am Tonal noise limits are

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6 Obsidian Solar Center Noise Analysis

March 11, 2019

established based on allowable octave band sound pressure levels in the range of frequencies

between 31.5 and 8,000 hertz (Hz) as shown in Table 3.

Table 3. DEQ Median Octave Band Standards for Industrial and Commercial Noise Sources

Octave Band Center Frequency,

Hertz (Hz)

Allowable Octave Band Sound Pressure Levels (dB)

7 am – 10 pm 10 pm – 7 am

31.5 68 65 63 65 62 125 61 56 250 55 50 500 52 46 1000 49 43 2000 46 40 4000 43 37 8000 40 34

Source: OAR 340-035-0035, Table 10.

Warning devices are exempt from OAR 340-035-0035 if not continuously operated for more

than 5 minutes. Noise from construction sites and sounds created during construction or

maintenance of capital equipment are also exempt from the OAR noise regulations.

2.2. EFSC Regulations Related to Noise

EFSC regulations related to noise in OAR 345-021-0010(1)(l) and (t) pertain to impacts on

areas that meet EFSC criteria for protected areas and important recreational opportunities,

respectively. OAR 345-021-0010(1)(l) requires information about the proposed facility’s

impact on nearby protected areas, providing evidence to support a finding by the Council as

required by OAR 345-022-0040, including a description of significant potential impacts from

noise resulting from facility construction or operation of the proposed facility, if any. OAR

345-021-0010(1)(t) requires information about the proposed facility’s impact on nearby

important recreational opportunities, providing evidence to support a finding by the Council

as required by OAR 345-022-0100. Under both standards, EFSC must find that the design,

construction and operation of a facility, taking into account mitigation, are not likely to result

in a significant adverse impact on protected areas and important recreational opportunities.

Unlike DEQ’s standard, which does not apply to construction phase activities, EFSC’s

standards apply to both construction and operation.

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7 Obsidian Solar Center Noise Analysis

March 11, 2019

3. Existing Conditions

The land use in the area is mainly undeveloped and farm lands. The facility area was

investigated using aerial photos and on-site inspections, and 17 residential structures were

identified within approximately 1 mile of the facility. Some residences identified are located

on farm lands and are associated with farm operations. Per OAR 340-035-0015(38), these are

evaluated as noise sensitive properties.

There are few existing noise sources in this area. Some of the major noise sources include

farming activities, including tractors, irrigation and general maintenance, infrequent traffic

along the area roadways, wildlife, and wind. Due to the close proximity of some noise

sensitive properties to the proposed facility, existing ambient noise monitoring was

conducted to establish the existing noise environment, with the purpose of demonstrating

compliance with the allowable increase criteria provided in OAR 340-035-0035(1)(b)(B)(i).

3.1. Existing Ambient Noise Levels

Monitoring was conducted to establish the existing ambient noise levels in the study area to

assure compliance with the allowable 10 dB increase in the L10 and L50 criteria. Previous

studies for similar solar facilities have rarely identified non-compliances with the DEQ

standards due to the inherently low noise levels from typical solar PV system operation. For

this analysis, the study area included the areas up to 1.1 miles from the facility boundary,

which includes all noise sensitive properties within 1 mile, and also the nearest noise

sensitive properties southwest of the site boundary (1.1 miles away).

Two sites were selected for ambient noise monitoring: sites M-1 and M-2. Site M-1 is near a

cluster of residences located just east of the solar array and west of the existing 500-kilovolt

(kV) transmission line. Due to the limited number of residences, and very low volumes of

traffic, site M-1 is representative of all residences in this immediate area. Site M-2 is to the

north of the solar array, in an area with even fewer residences and lower traffic volumes than

the area of M-1. This monitoring site was used to represent residences in the north and east

sections of the study area.

Equipment used for the noise measurements were Bruel & Kjaer Type 2238 sound level

meters. The sound level meters meet or exceed American National Standards Institute

(ANSI) S1.4-1983 for Type 1 Sound Measurement Devices. All measurement procedures

complied with those procedures adopted by the Commission and set forth in Sound

Measurement Procedures Manual (NPCS-1) from the DEQ, and more recent methods from

the ANSI procedures for community noise measurements. System calibration was performed

before and after each measurement session with a Bruel & Kjaer Type 4231 sound level

calibrator. The meters are calibrated by an accredited laboratory on an annual basis. The

noise monitoring was performed on July 5 through July 7, 2018, using three systems, and

performing monitoring at all three sites simultaneously. Weather was clear, and there was no

precipitation during the measurement period.

Figure 2 provides an overview of the facility showing the locations of facility related

equipment, noise sensitive properties (residences), and the two noise monitoring sites.

Figures 3 and 4 provide photos of the monitoring equipment placement.

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8 Obsidian Solar Center Noise Analysis

March 11, 2019

Figure 2. Facility Layout, Residences and Noise Monitoring LocationsFigure 3. Photos of Monitoring Site M-1

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9 Obsidian Solar Center Noise Analysis

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Figure 4. Photos of Monitoring Site M-2

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10 Obsidian Solar Center Noise Analysis

March 11, 2019

The overall measured L10 from both sites ranged 20 to 54 dBA, while the L50 ranged from

20 to 47 dBA. The average measured L10 was 38 dBA and the average L50 was 32 dBA.

These are very low noise levels, and are found only in very rural areas far away from any

arterial roadways, highways or other main transportation noise source, commercial or

industrial land use.

Noise levels measured at site M-1 ranged from 30 to 54 dBA L10, with an average L10 of 42

dBA. The L50 at M-1 ranged from 28 to 47 dBA, with an average of 37 dBA. Noise levels

measured at site M-2 ranged from 20 to 51 dBA L10, with an average L10 of 34 dBA. The

L50 at M-1 ranged from 20 to 43 dBA, with an average of 28 dBA. Table 4 provides the

minimum (lowest) L10 and L50 values taken over the measurement period. Figure 5 is a plot

of the L10 and L50 as measured over the 48 hours period. Tables with the complete L10, L50

and Leq measurements are provided in Attachment C for reference.

Table 4. Summary of Measured Minimum Background Noise Levels

Monitoring Site L10 (dBA) L50 (dBA)

M-1 30 28 M-2 22 20

Note: Measured noise levels are provided in Attachment C.

Figure 5. Plot of Measured Noise Levels












7/5/2018 0:00 7/5/2018 12:00 7/6/2018 0:00 7/6/2018 12:00 7/7/2018 0:00 7/7/2018 12:00 7/8/2018 0:00





re L


l in


A (



d L



Day and Time of Measurement

Measured Noise Levels (L10 and L50) over 48 hour Period

M-1 (L10) M-2 (L10) M-1 (L50) M-2 (L50)

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11 Obsidian Solar Center Noise Analysis

March 11, 2019

4. Facility Operation Equipment and Analysis Methods

There are several different pieces of equipment required for the operation of this type of

facility. Much of the equipment will not produce any noise; however, some equipment,

including inverters, transformers, battery/energy storage units, and transmissions lines have

the potential to produce noise that could be noticeable over short distances off-site. Table 5

lists the sound power levels representing the standard performance of each of these components.

The sound power levels are assigned based either on data supplied by manufacturers, or field

measurements of similar equipment made at other existing facilities and data from other similar

reports, including Boardman Solar Energy Facility (2017) and Carty Generating Station (2011

and 2018). Finally, the reference noise levels were reviewed against product design information

found in the technical literature provided by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association

([NEMA]; 2013): TR-1 2013, Transformers, Step Voltage Regulators and Reactors. These sound

power levels are used as a basis for the noise modeling as described in Section 5.

Table 5. Operation Noise Sources and Reference Noise Levels

Equipment Number of Unitsa Sound Power Level


Solar Array Invertor/Transformerb 159 87 Battery/Energy Storage Unitc 64 88 Collector Substation (34.5-kV to 115-kV)d 4 97 115 kV Transmission Linee 1 46 Step-up Substation (115-kV to 500-kV)f 1 105 Note:

a. Number of each type of noise-producing unit included in SoundPlan modeling.

b. Based on Power Electronics FS3000M Specification of < 79 dBA at 3 feet (see Attachment B

Representative Equipment Specifications).

c. Based on General Electric Battery/Energy Storage Unit Specifications of <60 dBA at 3 meters (see

Attachment B Representative Equipment Specifications).

d. Based on sound power level for a typical solar collector 35.5 -kV to 115-kV power transformer of 97

dBA.(Boardman Solar Energy Facility 2017, Carty Generating Station 2018).

e. Based on typical corona noise levels provided in Appendix AA -1 of Exhibit AA of this Application for

Site Certif icate of: < 15 dBA for wet conditions at 50 feet and 0 dBA for dry conditions at 50 feet; for

this analysis, the sound power of 46 dBA is based on the worst case level of 15 dBA at 50 feet.

f. Based on sound power level for a typical 115-kV to 500-kV step-up transformer of 97 to 105 dBA; the

higher 105 dBA level was used to assure a conservative analysis (Carty Generating Station 2011)

4.1. Noise Emitting Facility Equipment

The sections below provide more detailed descriptions of the types of equipment that would

produce noise during normal facility operations.

4.1.1. Inverter/Transformer Units in the Solar Array

The facility will use Power Electronics FS3000M or similar solar inverter units with

integrated transformers to convert from direct current to alternating current and then step it

up to 34.5-kV within the solar array for transmission to the collector substations. The

FS3000M units will also provide a two way connection with the battery storage units,

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12 Obsidian Solar Center Noise Analysis

March 11, 2019

charging the units with excess power and providing power back to the grid as needed.

Manufacturer specifications for a solar inverter and integrated transformer with the required

capacity, the Power Electronics FS3000M, report 79 dBA at 3 feet from the unit, which is

equivalent to a sound power level of 87 dBA. These units would be located throughout Area

A, as shown in Figure 2. Manufacturer specifications for the Power Electronics FS3000M are

provided in Attachment B.

4.1.2. Battery/Energy Storage Units

The battery/energy storage units, similar to the RSU-4000 series produced by General

Electric, will be used to store unused energy during daytime hours for power production

during nighttime hours and other hours when power supply may be desired. The units consist

of a set of batteries connected to a solar inverter/transformer unit described above, and have

cooling systems and transformers that produce some audible noise. Manufacturer

specifications for a representative General Electric RSU-4000 Energy Storage Unit list the

typical sound level of > 60 dBA at 3 meters (approximately 10 feet), resulting in a probable

maximum sound power level of 88 dBA. These units would be located throughout Area A, as

shown in Figure 2. Specification for a General Electric RSU-4000 Energy Storage Unit and

battery storage systems are provided in Attachment B.

4.1.3. Collector Substation Transformers (34.5-kV to 115-kV)

Four collector substations with transformers that would be located in the southwestern

portion of Area A (see Figure 2), will be used to combine the energy from the solar arrays

and step-up the voltage from 34.5-kV to 115-kV. Typical sound power levels from these

types of collector transformer systems range from 94 to 97 dBA (Boardman Solar Energy

Facility 2017, Carty Generating Station 2018). For this analysis, a sound power level of 97

dBA was used for each of the four collector substation transformers.

4.1.4. 115-kV Gen-tie Transmission Line

A 115-kV above ground generation tie (gen-tie) transmission line will transmit power from

the four collector substations west to the 115-kV to 500-kV step-up substation. The 115-kV

gen-tie transmission line can, under the right conditions, produce corona noise. Corona noise

can occur from electronic ionization of the air surrounding transmission lines. The level of

corona noise produced is dependent on many factors, and for most small lines, like the 115-

kV lines proposed, noise only occurs when there is a high level of moisture in the air. For a

transmission line of this configuration and voltage, the corona noise under dry conditions is

typically not measurable, and under the wet conditions is typically less than 15 dBA. To be

conservative, the 115-kV line was included in this analysis assuming a potential line noise

source generation of 15 dBA at 50 feet.

4.1.5. Step-Up Substation Transformer (115-kV to 500-kV)

The power will be increased from 115-kV to 500-kV using a transformer at the step-up

substation near the western end of the gen-tie transmission line. Based on measured levels

and published data, the typical sound power level from these types of step-up transformer

systems range from 97 to 105 dBA (Carty Generating Station 2011). For this analysis, a

potential sound power level of 105 dBA was used for the step-up substation transformer.

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13 Obsidian Solar Center Noise Analysis

March 11, 2019

4.1.6. Variance of Operation Equipment

Noise levels that will be generated by this facility during operation—and by solar PV

generating facilities in general—are inherently low. As described, the primary noise

producing equipment includes inverters, transformers, equipment used to operate and cool

batteries, and in rare cases, the gen-tie transmission lines. The equipment sound power levels

used in this analysis are all the maximum levels provided in manufacture specifications or

found in other similar studies. Due to this, the analysis results are likely slightly higher than

would actually be measured at a facility like the Obsidian Solar Center during normal

operation. The resulting overall potential variance in the noise predictions is +0 dB and -2 dB

or more (i.e., the levels will be no higher, but could be up to 2 dB or lower). This represents a

conservative analysis of operational noise levels.

4.2. Other Noise Sources

In addition to the noise sources above, facility personnel will visit the site to perform routine

maintenance and service the systems. Sources of noise will include service vehicles on public

roadways and small hand tools used for equipment and service. Noise from these visits

would occur infrequently and is not predicted to result in any measurable increase in the

overall noise emitted from the site.

The 500-kV transmission lines that cross the facility (see Figure 2), as well as a 115-kV

transmission line that parallels that gen-tie transmission line/Connley Lane, are existing noise

sources. The level of energy provided by the solar facility would not be predicted to result in

any increase in corona noise from the 500-kV or 115-kV lines; therefore, these lines were not

included as noise sources in the analysis. However, noise from the 500-kV lines and any

other existing transmission line and energy related noise sources would be included in the

background noise level measurements taken near the site and provided in Section 3.

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5. Noise Modeling

This section provides a summary of the methods and software used to predict the operational

noise levels from the Obsidian Solar Facility.

5.1. Modeling Methods

Noise modeling was performed using SoundPlan Noise Modeling Software (Essential

Version 4.1). The calculations conducted by SoundPlan to model noise levels are based on

and are compliant with the International Standards Organization (ISO) 9613-2 methods for

outdoor propagation of noise sources, like those from solar facilities, wind farms, and other

industrial sources. The software allows the input of geographical and topographical

information and provides a true 3-D acoustical model for noise propagation. Input to the

model included topographical information from Google Earth, computer-aided drafting

(CAD) information for the locations of facility equipment (transformers, inverters, and

battery/energy storage units from Table 5), and locations of noise sensitive properties within

1.1-miles of the facility, which were identified using aerial images and from site visits.

Operational noise levels were predicted at 17 representative noise sensitive properties,

including all that are within 1 mile of the site boundary, and one that is 1.1 miles from the

site boundary. Noise sensitive property R-7, located at 1.1 miles from the facility, was

included because it is the nearest residence on the southwest side of the proposed area of the

facility with solar modules (i.e., Area A). All noise sensitive properties are residences that

appear to be occupied.

The locations of these noise sensitive properties are depicted in Figure 6. The figure also

depicts representative locations of the solar array inverters (with integrated transformers),

battery/energy storage units, the 115-kV gen-tie transmission line, the four collector

substations, the 500-kV step-up transformer and existing 500 kV transmission lines.

Additional noise modeling was performed for the closest “protected area” (as defined by

OAR-345-021-0010(1)(l) and “important recreational opportunity” (as defined by OAR-345-

021-0010(1)(t). The closest area to the facility meeting these definitions is the Devil’s

Garden Lava Bed, a natural area located approximately 4 miles north of the facility that is

managed by the Bureau of Land Management. The additional modeling site was placed on

the border of the Devil’s Garden Lava Bed that is nearest to the Obsidian Solar Center


Finally, the modeling software produced noise contour maps that cover an area large enough

to include all areas where noise levels from facility operation equipment are equal to or lower

than the lowest measured ambient noise levels of 20 dBA.

The combination of the predicted noise levels at all individual noise sensitive properties

(residences) within 1.1 miles, noise level predictions at the Devil’s Garden lava Bed, and

production of noise contour maps provide a comprehensive analysis of potential operational

noise from the facility.

This analysis also assumes the facility will be in constant operation, with power transmission

during nighttime hours from the battery storage. This assumption was made because the

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lowest L50 noise levels were measured during nighttime and very early morning hours,

during which time the solar panels will not produce any energy (see Attachment C). By

assuming the batteries will discharge during these quiet periods, compliance can be

confirmed during those periods with the lowest measured L50 noise levels. Also, because the

analysis assumes constant facility operations, the L10 and L50 of noise generated from the

site will be the same. This method also supports a “worst-case” analysis, as it is unlikely that

all systems would be operating at capacity during nighttime hours.

5.2. Modeling Results

Table 6 reports the predicted noise levels of facility equipment during operation at the noise

sensitive properties. Modeled noise levels for residences located to the west of the solar

array, represented by noise sensitive properties R-1 through R-7, ranged from 22 to 33 dBA.

The average noise levels among these seven noise sensitive properties were 29 dBA. Noise

sensitive properties R-1, R-4, and R-5 have the highest predicted noise levels in this part of

the study area due to the close proximity to the 115-kV to 500-kV step-up substation

transformer for (R-1) and the set of four 34.5-kV to 115-kV collector substations (for R-4

and R-5). Receiver R-7 has the lowest predicted noise level in this part of the study area, and

is also located farthest overall from the solar array, inverter/transformer units,

batteries/storage, substations, and gen-tie transmission line.

Modeled noise levels for residences located to the east of the solar array, represented by

noise sensitive properties R-8 through R-17, ranged from 21 to 28 dBA. The average noise

level among these ten noise sensitive properties was 25 dBA. For the noise sensitive

properties in this part of the study area, R-11, R-16, and R-17 have the highest predicted

noise levels due to the close proximity to the nearby solar array invertor/transformer units

and battery storage units. The lowest noise levels in this area were at receiver R-8 and R-14,

which are farthest from the solar arrays in this part of the study area.

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Figure 6. Noise Modeling Locations

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Table 6. Predicted Facility Operational Noise Levels at Noise Sensitive Properties

Noise Sensitive Propertiesa

Total Noise of Facility Equipment (dBA)b

R-1 33 R-2 28 R-3 30 R-4 31 R-5 31 R-6 28 R-7 22 R-8 21 R-9 23 R-10 27 R-11 28 R-12 22 R-13 23 R-14 21 R-15 27 R-16 28 R-17 28


a. As depicted in Figure 6.

b. Total noise from all noise sources calculated using SoundPlan. Per OAR 340-35-0035(3)(b), prediction

site is 25 feet from the building toward the noise source, or at a point on the noise sensitive property line

that is nearest the noise source, whichever is greater. SoundPlan outputs provided in Attachment D

It is important to note the overall noise levels predicted at the noise sensitive properties of 21

to 33 dBA is very low, and is comparable to the lowest background noise levels in very quiet

rural areas. For comparisons, noise levels of 30 to 35 dBA are typical for the interior of a

very quiet library, and noise levels of 20 to 30 dBA would typically only be found in a high-

quality recording studio.

Computer outputs of the SoundPlan model are provided in Attachment D. Included in this

attachment are sound levels at each of the 17 individual noise sensitive property locations

(Figure D-1) and a plot of noise level contours from 20 dBA (background ambient) to 50

dBA in 5 dB increments plotted on an aerial background of the proposed facility and

surrounding area (Figure D-2).

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6. Compliance Analysis

To determine facility compliance with the OAR 340-035-0035 standards, two analyses are

required. First, the noise levels from normal facility operation as reported in Table 6 need to

be compared to the maximum allowable limits for a new industrial and commercial land use,

as reported in Table 2. Therefore, the noise levels from the facility must be below 55 dBA

during daytime hours and below 50 dBA during nighttime hours.

Second, the overall combined future noise levels, which is the existing noise levels plus the

noise from facility operations, must be calculated to determine compliance with the

maximum allowable increase of 10 dB over the existing L10 and L50 ambient noise levels.

Descriptions of these analyses are provided in Sections 6.1 for the facility noise levels and

6.2 for the overall future noise levels.

6.1. Maximum Allowable Noise Level Criteria

The predicted total noise levels of facility operations equipment at the noise sensitive

properties range from 21 to 33 dBA (see Table 6). The most stringent criterion provided in

the OAR standard is an L50 of 50 dBA during nighttime hours (Table 2). Because the most

conservative combined predicted noise level at a noise sensitive property is 33 dBA (at R-1,

see Table 6), the proposed facility will be in compliance with this portion of the OAR


6.2. Maximum Allowable Noise Increase Criteria

In basic terms, to determine compliance with the 10 dBA maximum increase above ambient

noise criterion, the predicted noise level data were “logarithmically summed” with the

measured background noise level data to arrive at the combined noise levels (decibel

mathematics is discussed in Section 1.4 for reference). Specifically, the measured existing

background noise levels were subtracted from the combined noise levels to determine the

increase above the ambient noise level. To be in compliance, this total must be 10 dBA or

less above the measured background data. Table 7 provides the results of these calculations

and provides compliance results.

Table 7 was produced using the L50 ambient measured noise levels reported in Table 4. The

measured noise levels in Table 4 are for the hour with the lowest L50. Because the measured

L50 levels are lower than the L10 levels at both monitoring sites, using the L50 levels is the

most conservative method of analysis. Noise sensitive properties R-1 through R-7 used

background data from M-2, and noise sensitive properties R-8 through R-17 use background

data from M-2. The facility operational noise levels used for these calculations are taken

from Table 6.

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Table 7. Noise Level Compliance Summary

Noise Sensitive Propertya

Existing Background L50 (dBA)b

Total Noise of Facility Equipment


Combined Noise (Background + Total

Noise of Facility Equipment, dBA)d

Total Change in L50 Noise


Compliance with OAR

340-035-0035 Standard

R-1 28 33 34 +6 Yes R-2 28 28 31 +3 Yes

R-3 28 30 32 +4 Yes

R-4 28 31 33 +5 Yes

R-5 28 31 33 +5 Yes

R-6 28 28 31 +3 Yes

R-7 28 22 29 +1 Yes

R-8 20 21 24 +4 Yes

R-9 20 23 25 +5 Yes

R-10 20 27 28 +8 Yes

R-11 20 28 29 +9 Yes

R-12 20 22 24 +4 Yes

R-13 20 23 25 +5 Yes

R-14 20 21 24 +4 Yes

R-15 20 27 28 +8 Yes

R-16 20 28 29 +9 Yes

R-17 20 28 29 +9 Yes Note:

a. As depicted in Figure 6.

b. Background measured noise level: L50, using minimum M-1 for R-1 through R-7 and M-3 for R-8 through R-


c. Total noise from Facility operation at noise sensitive properties, as reported in Table 6.

d. Total noise, background and Facility operations, predicted by logarithmically s umming the background

noise and operational noise.

e. Change in total noise at noise sensitive properties, (existing levels to Facility operation).

As shown in Table 7, predicted noise levels at all noise sensitive properties have L50

increases of 9 dBA or less; therefore, the future, combined noise levels are within the

allowable 10 dBA increase from OAR 345-035-0035. Therefore, facility operations will also

comply with this portion of the OAR standard.

The noise levels projections were performed using the most conservative available reference

noise levels for each of the noise sources, and also include corona noise from the 115-kV

transmission lines under wet conditions. This results in an estimated potential noise variance

of +0 dB and -2 dB (or more) for the modeled predictions (i.e., the levels will be no higher,

but could be 2 dB or more lower), which further demonstrates compliance with OAR 345-


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6.3. Properties Farther than 1.1 Miles from the Facility Site Boundary

Operational noise levels at the nearest portion of Devil’s Garden Lava Bed—the closest area

meeting OAR-345-021-0010(1) criteria for protected areas and important recreational

opportunities—from the Obsidian Solar Center site boundary are predicted to be 0 dBA. This

low noise level is due to the relatively large distance of the facility to the lava bed, of over 4

miles. Operational noise levels at areas more than 4 miles away will also be 0 dBA. The low

noise produced from the facility and the large distance from the facility to the protected

area/recreational opportunity are sufficient that the noise from operations would not be

audible at the Devil’s Garden Lave Bed or any other nearby protected areas/recreational


To further aid in the understanding of the noise from facility operations, Attachment D

provides three plots from the SoundPlan Software that are very useful. Included in this

attachment are sound levels at each of the 17 individual noise sensitive properties (Figure D-

1) and a plot of noise level contours from 20 dBA to 50 dBA in 5 dB increments (Figure D-

2). Finally, Figure D-3 includes a plot of the noise level contours and a blue line depicting a

500 foot buffer from the facility site boundary.

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7. Noise Mitigation Analysis

The predicted noise levels from facility equipment at the nearest noise sensitive properties

range from 21 to 33 dBA. These levels are below the most stringent criteria under OAR 340-

035-0035 maximum allowable noise level for new industrial and commercial uses (see Table

3). In addition, the total noise at the nearest noise sensitive properties, background + facility

noise levels, are not predicted to increase by more than 9 dB, which is also in compliance

with the OAR 340-035-0035 allowable increase criteria. Therefore, no noise mitigation

measures—beyond those included in the facility design, including a 500-foot setback for

inverters/transformer units and battery/energy storage units from the facility site boundary, as

feasible—are required or recommended.

It is important to note that noise levels of this magnitude are extremely low, and operational

noise levels of this magnitude are typically only found in very rural areas with little or no

traffic, or in quiet libraries or recording studios (see Table 1).

Furthermore, as previously stated, the noise analysis was performed using the most

conservative noise levels for all facility noise sources. Therefore, the noise levels presented

are most likely slightly higher (by 2 dB or more) than what will be expected from the actual


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8. Construction Noise Analysis

Facility construction will take approximately two years to complete, and during this time

construction noise may, at times, be noticeable at nearby residences. This section provides an

analysis of the potential construction noise levels. Construction noise is exempt from the

DEQ’s noise regulations in OAR 340-035-0035. However, facility construction and

operation must also demonstrate compliance with EFSC’s noise requirements in OAR-345-

021-0010(1). Specifically, Obsidian Solar Center must analyze potential impacts on protected

areas and important recreational opportunities during construction and operation to

demonstrate compliance with the standards.

8.1. Method of Analysis

Construction noise levels were estimated using the methods described in the Federal

Highway Administration Highway Construction Noise: Measurement, Prediction and

Mitigation, USDOT, 1997. The FHWA Roadway Construction Noise Model (FHWA

RCNM) Version 1.1 was used for this analysis. Although this program was designed for

highway noise, the type of equipment and equipment noise levels are generally the same as

will be used for construction of this facility.

8.2. Construction Methods and Equipment

Equipment required to complete the facility includes common construction equipment that is

used for typical roadway and infrastructure type activities. Table 8 provides a typical list of

the types of equipment expected for this facility, the activities they would be used for, and

the corresponding maximum noise level measured at 50 feet under normal use. Normally,

these maximum noise levels only occur sporadically during construction while equipment is

in heavy use. During periods of idle and light use, the noise levels produced would be much

lower than those presented.

The loudest pieces of equipment that will be used for construction of the facility are the

impact drivers to install the support posts that hold the solar panels. These are pneumatic pile

drivers that are tracked or installed on the back of a truck or backhoe, and are smaller than

the pile drivers typically used for structural supports of buildings and bridges. Even so, these

units typically produce 94 to 101 dBA during the installation of the piles. Due to the unique

noise from these sources they are not normally included in the overall noise levels prediction

and analysis, but are analyzed separately. The equipment listed was derived from information

found in the FHWA RCNM.

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Table 8: Construction Equipment List, Use, and Maximum Noise Levels

Equipment Impacta Typical Expected Project Useb Lmaxc, d

Air Compressors No Used for pneumatic tools and general maintenance 70 – 78 Back Hoe No Excavation, support holes, and general construction 78 – 82 Concrete Pumps No Pump concrete for structure bases 82

Cranes No Removal and installation of solar panels, overhead line and equipment placement 81

Dozer No Major earthwork and leveling 88 Grader No Level ground and earthwork 86 Haul Trucks No Materials handling, general hauling to and from site 86

Impact Pile Driver Yes Pneumatic pile driver used to install solar stand supports 94 – 101

Loader No Excavation, support holes, and general construction 80 Power Plants No General construction use for temporary power 78 Pumps No General construction use, water removal 77 – 81 Pneumatic Tools No Miscellaneous construction and system assembly 85 Service & Utility Trucks No Repair and maintenance of equipment 78

Tractor Trailers No Materials delivery and movement 84 Welders No General construction, materials modification and repair 74 Notes:

a. Impact Equipment is equipment that generates impulsive noise. Impulse noise is defined as noise

produced by the periodic impact of a mass on a surface, of short duration (generally less than one

second), high intensity, abrupt onset and rapid decay, and often rapidly changing spectral


b. Typical project uses for construction projects.

c. Typical maximum noise level under normal operation measured at 50 feet from the noise source.

d. Equipment noise levels are taken f rom the FHWA Construction Noise Model.

8.3. Construction Noise Levels

Construction noise would be generated by heavy equipment used during major construction

periods. Construction activities could occur as close as 50 feet from some noise sensitive

properties along County Road 10-C (see Figure 6). Other noise sensitive properties are

approximately 1,000 feet or more from the nearest expected construction activity. Estimates

of maximum hourly noise levels at 50 feet for various stages of construction are provided in

Table 9. These are the “worst case” noise levels and the average hourly noise levels would be

substantially lower, with typical hourly L50 noise levels of 72 to 75 dBA. Maximum levels

would occur during the installation of the support posts using a pneumatic pile driver, with

maximum levels of 101 dBA at 50 feet.

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Table 9: Estimated Peak Hour Construction Noise Levels

Construction Phase Loudest Equipment

Maximum Noise Level at 50 feet

(dBA Lmax)

Clearing, grubbing and earthwork

Bulldozer, Grader, Backhoe, Haul Trucks 88

Foundation and Base preparation for systems

Backhoe, Loader, Tractor Trailers, Crane 84

Support installation Pneumatic impact pile drivers 94 – 101 Solar Array and Transmission Line Installation

Backhoe, Loader, Tractor Trailers, Crane 84

Source: U.S. Department of Transportation. Highway Construction Noise: Measurement, Prediction, and

Mitigation. 1977.

The noise levels in Table 9 are similar to noise produced by a typical infrastructure project.

These noise levels are also similar to the noise produced by some farming equipment already

in use in this area. The measured noise levels at monitoring sites M-1 and M-2 included

maximum (highest) short term noise levels of 86 dBA and 81 dBA, respectively, and

frequently had measured levels above 70 dBA throughout the daytime and some nighttime


Although the noise levels reported in Table 9 are relatively high, the construction phase will

be temporary. In addition, the levels reported in Table 9 can be expected only when the

equipment is within 50 feet of a receiver. These noise levels will decrease substantially at

larger distances (i.e., 1,000 feet or more) that will occur between most noise sensitive

properties and construction activities. Furthermore, as previously stated, the L50 levels will

be substantially lower than the maximum levels in Table 9.

To provide a better understanding of how construction noise will decrease with distance from

the facility site, two figures were prepared to illustrate predicted maximum noise levels and

typical L50 noise levels to distances of 3,000 feet and 25,000 feet. Figures 7 and 8 illustrate

how the pile driver maximum noise levels of 101 dBA at 50 feet, general construction

equipment maximum noise level of 88 dBA at 50 feet, and the typical L50 construction noise

level of 75 dBA at 50 feet reduce with distance from a noise source. Figure 7 illustrates the

area from 50 feet to 3,000 feet from a noise source, and Figure 8 illustrates the area from

2,500 feet to 25,000 feet (4.7 miles). These figures also include the noise sensitive properties

(R-1 through R-17) at the approximate distance from the nearest work site. Note that these

plots do not include any topographical shielding and do not account for any ground effects,

and both of these factors would provide additional attenuation of construction noise.

For the protected areas, which are all located greater than 4 miles from the nearest facility

construction work area, worst case short-term noise levels of 48 dBA from intermittent pile

driver use. For general construction equipment, worst case noise levels 35 dBA or less may

occur during the heaviest construction activities, which are expected to be short-term.

Typical general construction noise levels are expected to be near or below the ambient noise

level of 20 dBA at distances of 4 miles or greater. Overall constructing noise levels at these

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distances would typically be below 20 dBA, and are not likely to be audible or result in any

construction-related noise impacts to these areas.

Figure 7. Expected Construction Noise Levels versus Distance 50 to 3,000 feet









0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000




vel L



d L





Distance in Feet from Construction Activity

Construction Noise Level versus Distance: 50 to 3,000 feet

Maximum Typical L50 Impact Drivers

R-1 R-2 R-4




Receivers R-7 to R-9 and R-11 to R-16 outside 3000 feet (see Figure 10)

Lmax of 88 dBA at 50 ft.

L50 of 75 dBA at 50 ft.


Impact Driver: Lmax of 101 dBA at 50 ft.

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Figure 8. Expected Construction Noise Levels versus Distance past 3,000 feet

8.4. Construction Mitigation Measures

Several construction noise abatement methods can be implemented to limit potential impacts

from noise. The contractor shall ensure that all engine-powered equipment have mufflers

installed according to the manufacturer's specifications, and that all equipment complies with

pertinent equipment noise standards of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

If specific noise complaints are received during construction, one or more of the following

noise mitigation measures, as directed by the project manager, could be considered and


Locate stationary engine-powered construction equipment as far from nearby noise

sensitive properties as possible.

Shut off idling equipment.

Reschedule construction activities to avoid periods of noise annoyance identified in

the complaint.

Notify nearby residents before extremely noisy work occurs.












2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000 17500 20000 22500 25000




vel L



d L





Distance in Feet from Construction Activity

Construction Noise Level versus Distance: 2,500 to 15,000 feet

Maximum Typical L50 Series2





Receivers R-1 to R-6 and R-10 to R-17 outside 3000 feet (see Figure 9)

Lmax of 88 dBA at 50 ft.

L50 of 75 dBA at 50 ft.




Devil’s Garden Lava Bed

Impact Driver: Lmax of 101 dBA at 50 ft.

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Restrict the installation of solar module support posts using the pneumatic pile driver

to weekdays and Saturdays, during daytime hours of 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, and notify

the residences near the site prior to performing the work.

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Attachment A References

Boardman Solar Energy Facility. 2017. Final Application for Site Certificate, Exhibit X.

Boardman Solar Energy LLC, a subsidiary of Invenergy LLC.

https://www.oregon.gov/energy/facilities-safety/facilities/Pages/BSE.aspx. Accessed:

April 6, 2018.

Carty Generating Station. 2018. Final Request for Amendment 1, Exhibit X. Portland

General Electric Company. https://www.oregon.gov/energy/facilities-

safety/facilities/Facilities%20library/2018-02-21-CGS-AMD1-ExUZ.PDF. Accessed

February 12, 2018.

_____. 2011. Application for Site Certificate, Exhibit X. Portland General Electric Company.


safety/facilities/Facilities%20library/Carty_Exhibits_W-DD.pdf. Accessed February

12, 2018.

DEQ (Oregon Department of Environmental Quality). 2018. Oregon Administrative Rules,

Chapter 340, Division 35 Noise Control Regulations Tables.

https://www.oregon.gov/deq/Rulemaking%20Docs/div35table1-10.pdf. Accessed

August 1, 2018.

_____.1983. Sound Measurement Procedures Manual (NPCS-1). Oregon Department of

Environmental Quality.

https://www.oregon.gov/deq/Rulemaking%20Docs/div35npcs01.pdf. Accessed

August 27, 2018.

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 1974. “Information on Levels of Environmental

Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate Margin of

Safety”, No. 550/9-74-004, March.

Esri. 2017. "World Imagery" [basemap]. Scale Not Given. June 2017.


Accessed August 2, 2018.

FHWA (Federal Highway Administration). 2006. FHWA Roadway Construction Noise

Model User’s Guide. Final Report. U.S. Department of Transportation. January,



Accessed August 27, 2018.

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). 1974 “Psychoacoustics–Proceedings

of a Workshop”, IEEE Power Engineering Society, Publication Number 21 74 CHO

967-0PWR, July 17.

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Miller 1978. “Sound Levels of Rain and Wind in the Trees,” Noise Control Engineering

11(3):101-109, November/December, Miller, L.N.

NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association). NEMA TR 1-2013, Transformers,

Step Voltage Regulators and Reactors. NEMA Standards Publication 2013.


Accessed February 13, 2019.

SoundPlan (SoundPLAN Noise Modeling Software, ISO Certified. Essential Version 4.1).

SoundPLAN International LLC, Shelton, WA 98584, USA. 2019

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Attachment B Representative Equipment Specifications

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Power Electronics FS3000M Specifications

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OSC App. X-1 Noise Tech Report 3-11-19 (Clean).DOCX March 11, 2019


General Electric Power Battery/Energy Storage Units

EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate NOISE OAR 345 ......2019/10/21 · Obsidian Solar Center X-2 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019 X.2 BACKGROUND NOISE INFORMATION - [PDF Document] (57)

OSC App. X-1 Noise Tech Report 3-11-19 (Clean).DOCX March 11, 2019


Attachment C Table of Field Measurements

DEQ Day/Night

L10 L50 Leq

Date/Time M-1 M-2 M-1 M-2 M-1 M-2



e H



7/5/2018 12:00 51.1 28.9 43 21 52.1 30.9

7/5/2018 13:00 53.7 48.8 45.4 41.8 53.5 44.9

7/5/2018 14:00 54 50.7 46.7 42.4 53.7 46.5

7/5/2018 15:00 51.1 49.4 42.6 42.5 52.4 46.2

7/5/2018 16:00 51.6 47.3 44.8 40 49.8 43.4

7/5/2018 17:00 52.1 46.5 46.6 38.6 51.4 43.8

7/5/2018 18:00 49.8 47.4 42.9 40.4 51 43.6

7/5/2018 19:00 46.2 44.8 41.1 36.6 50.3 47.3

7/5/2018 20:00 41.8 39.8 30.7 28.5 49 36.8

7/5/2018 21:00 31.6 30.1 28.7 23.2 46 30.3






7/5/2018 22:00 30.3 38.2 28.2 30.8 28.6 34.4

7/5/2018 23:00 32 29.6 30.2 23.4 30.4 26.2

7/6/2018 0:00 29.9 29.1 28.3 23.2 28.5 26.4

7/6/2018 1:00 32.9 20.1 30.5 20 31.9 20.5

7/6/2018 2:00 33.8 21.3 31.9 21 32.2 20.5

7/6/2018 3:00 34.4 20.4 32.2 20 32.4 20.6

7/6/2018 4:00 41.3 26.7 35.3 21.3 37.6 25.7

7/6/2018 5:00 45.3 23.7 39.5 22.5 41.8 25.7

7/6/2018 6:00 45.6 29.6 40.1 23.2 48.2 30.7



e H



7/6/2018 7:00 43 34.6 35.7 21.9 44.5 39.8

7/6/2018 8:00 44.3 37.4 38 30.6 51.2 36.2

7/6/2018 9:00 44.7 39.9 35.7 32.8 54.9 39.9

7/6/2018 10:00 47.5 38.3 36 30.4 51.7 36.5

7/6/2018 11:00 49.1 41.7 40.4 34.7 54.2 39.4

7/6/2018 12:00 48.7 44.4 41.4 37.8 52.2 40.9

7/6/2018 13:00 48.4 45.6 41.6 38.7 51.4 42

7/6/2018 14:00 47.4 44.2 39.6 35.8 45.7 43.9

7/6/2018 15:00 45.5 43.1 38.2 35 48.4 41.5

7/6/2018 16:00 52.1 46.8 43.6 38.6 52.6 43.7

7/6/2018 17:00 50 47.2 43.3 39.4 49.2 44.3

7/6/2018 18:00 46.4 41.8 40.2 34.9 49.8 38.2

7/6/2018 19:00 40.2 38.3 34.1 27.7 46.8 37.5

7/6/2018 20:00 49 30.4 34.5 20 50.2 32.9

7/6/2018 21:00 35.4 28.7 33.2 20 43.2 35.4



ti me




7/6/2018 22:00 34.7 24.6 33.2 20 42.9 28.6

EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate NOISE OAR 345 ......2019/10/21 · Obsidian Solar Center X-2 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019 X.2 BACKGROUND NOISE INFORMATION - [PDF Document] (58)

OSC App. X-1 Noise Tech Report 3-11-19 (Clean).DOCX March 11, 2019


DEQ Day/Night

L10 L50 Leq

Date/Time M-1 M-2 M-1 M-2 M-1 M-2

7/6/2018 23:00 36.3 22 33 20 33.8 21.9

7/7/2018 0:00 32.4 24 30.4 22.3 30.7 31.7

7/7/2018 1:00 33.7 20 32 20.5 33 20

7/7/2018 2:00 34.2 20 32.7 21 32.9 20

7/7/2018 3:00 34.9 20 32.1 20 32.8 20.8

7/7/2018 4:00 44.4 28.9 37.5 20.5 40.3 44.8

7/7/2018 5:00 45.9 26.3 40.4 20 51.1 23.4

7/7/2018 6:00 45.5 28.2 38.6 22 42.6 34.7



e H



7/7/2018 7:00 39.2 30.9 32.8 20 53.4 33.1

7/7/2018 8:00 39.4 23.5 32.9 20 48.9 25.9

7/7/2018 9:00 38.9 25.8 32.4 20 51.2 30.3

7/7/2018 10:00 39.9 31.4 31.9 20.5 51.8 35.3

7/7/2018 11:00 40 26.9 33.3 20 52.8 31.2

Min 30 20 28 20 29 20

Max 54 51 47 43 55 47

Average 42 34 37 28 45 34

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Attachment D SoundPlan Output Graphics

EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate NOISE OAR 345 ......2019/10/21 · Obsidian Solar Center X-2 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019 X.2 BACKGROUND NOISE INFORMATION - [PDF Document] (60)

OSC App. X-1 Noise Tech Report 3-11-19 (Clean).DOCX March 11, 2019


EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate NOISE OAR 345 ......2019/10/21 · Obsidian Solar Center X-2 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019 X.2 BACKGROUND NOISE INFORMATION - [PDF Document] (61)

OSC App. X-1 Noise Tech Report 3-11-19 (Clean).DOCX March 11, 2019


EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate NOISE OAR 345 ......2019/10/21 · Obsidian Solar Center X-2 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019 X.2 BACKGROUND NOISE INFORMATION - [PDF Document] (62)

OSC App. X-1 Noise Tech Report 3-11-19 (Clean).DOCX March 11, 2019


EXHIBIT X – Application for Site Certificate NOISE OAR 345 ......2019/10/21  · Obsidian Solar Center X-2 Exhibit X Application for Site Certificate 2019 X.2 BACKGROUND NOISE INFORMATION - [PDF Document] (2024)


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