Royal Icing 101 and My Favorite Recipe (2024)

April 25, 2011|403 Comments »


Royal Icing 101

Yield: Icing for 9-10 dozen cookies

Royal Icing 101 and My Favorite Recipe (1)

My favorite royal icing recipe.


  • 4lbs {two bags} confectioner’s sugar
  • 3/4 c. meringue powder
  • 1 1/3-1 1/2 c. warm water
  • 2-4 tbsp. oil-free extract or flavoring


  1. Add the dry ingredients first. Use your mixer’s whisk attachment to incorporate the sugar and meringue powder.
  2. Add the extract to the water and slowly add it to the dry ingredients while mixing. At first the icing will be very liquid-like.
  3. Continue to mix it at medium-high speed until it is fluffy and stiff peaks form, about 7-10 minutes. Mixing times are approximate, keep your eye it icing and stop mixing as soon as it becomes stiff. Over mixing and oil-containing extracts can keep the icing from setting up, so keep this in mind as you work.


Royal icing will keep at least a month. I prefer refrigerating it, but it can also be left at room temperature.

Copyright © 2012

Have you ever heard the saying, “All roads lead to Rome”? It basically means thatthere are many different ways of doing things, but in the end, they all have the same result.

This isthe note on which I’d like to begin, and by the endI hope it makessense.

When I first began making cookies, I didn’t really do a lot of research. I’d read a magazine article that said I needed meringue powder, SOOOOO, I headed on out to Wal-mart andbought a can of the Wilton stuff.

The first thing you’ll find when you open it up, folded in a tiny square, are the instructions. That was pretty much my beginning. No Googling or classes, just me reading those little instructions, interpreting in my head what they meant, and takinga leap.

I have gone back and fourth about posting this for a long time, just because I know, if there is any book, or proper way to make royal icing, I’d probably get a big fat “F”,so, as a little disclaimer before I start, PLEASE don’t turn me into the Royal Icing Police ifthe way I do things strikes you as a little ODD. This methodworks well for me, so I’m sharing it with you.

Anyhow, HERE I GO. This is how I make royal icing…

When I started, Iused with the Wilton recipe. However, as I got better and better at making royal icing, I got to the point that I didn’t measure anymore.At this point, I CAN’T, I just lookat it and adjust. To double check “my” recipe, I broke it down .

Ipretty muchalways make a large batch of RI. It almost fills my 5 quart mixer, which is way too much for most people, so I’ll posttwo versions, a large and a small. If for SOME reason, you hate this recipe, revert back to the Wilton version or another popular favorite, Antonia74’s Royal Icing.

Remember, cookies aren’t rocket science. The key is to find what works for you and perfect it. Again, ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME.

If you don’t need a whole lot of icing, use this version.

2 lbs {1bag} confectioner’s sugar
1/3c. plus one tablespoonmeringue powder

To begin, I add all of my sugar and meringue powder to the mixer bowl. I am what you would call a non-sifter. In my defense, I ALWAYS sift my flour, but I just don’t waste the time with powdered sugar.

Before I add any liquid, I mix the dry ingredients to make sure they are well incorporated. It’s here that you may notice one of the first things I do that might be a little out of the ordinary.

When I make royal icing, I ALWAYS use my whisk attachment.When I read the original Wilton recipe, it instructedto beat the icing into peaks, which reminded me of meringue, which I’d always associated with whisking, so that’s what I did.I never even thought anything of it until I visited my friend Gina in New Orleans, who was actually very surprised. It was then thatI did a little research and realized there are quite a few articles out there that sayyoushoulduse the paddle attachment.

Maybe it doesn’t matter, but atthis point, I am set in my ways. I tried using the paddle while I wasin New Orleans,but Icould telltherewas a difference, so, I stuck withmy whisk.

If for some reason you have an aversion to this, keep the paddle. They both work, I just like my whisk.

Next,I add water. A few little notes on this…First of all, I use warm water. No reason, just seems logical that everything will combine a little betterin warm water. This is also the point at which I add flavoring.

I truly believe that it’s flavoring that makes the difference between the good and bad royal icing. I’ve heard SOOOO many people say that royal icing tastes bad. I really think this is because it’s not properly flavored. Leaving the flavoring out of royal icing is like forgetting to salt your food. It still cooks, and it might even be pretty, but without it, it just doesn’t taste as good.

I add mine directly to the warm water.You can use whatever strikes your fancy. I prefer almond and vanilla myself, but there are all kinds of options. If you like to live lifea little on the wild side, I suggest checking out Spices Ect. They have everyday, run of the mill flavors, plus, other fun selections such as root beer, pistachio, and even pomegranate. Plus, if you sign up for their newsletter, they OFTEN offer specials such as 20% off.

The only things you need to watch out for is flavorings that contain oil, which is the enemy of royal icing, and also, if you want pure white RI, stay away from extracts with color.

I don’t have any scientific proof, just experience, but the worst RI disaster I have ever had involved Orange extract, which contained 13% orange oil {I read after the fact}. So watch out for that!

When I add the water, I just dump it all in there and get to work. If you look closely, you can see it bubbling up to the surface.

After a little mixing, you will end up with this…

Instead of scraping the sides, ever since I read Gail’s life-alteringpost on“shpritz bottles”I keep my trusty spray bottle handy. If a little icing happens to stick, I just spritz the sides until it’s incorporated. {As a matter or fact, I now use my bottle for all sorts of little jobs in the kitchen}

At this point, the icingmay look too thin, but believe me, it’s not. It should be about the consistency of honey {in a warm room} or shampoo.

A little FYI, a useful piece of info I have learned along the way is this: If for some reason you forget the meringue powder, DO NOT add it into the icing after it has reached this point…if you do, it will be ruined. If you need to add meringue after the fact, dissolve it intoas much water as itneeds to become liquefied and thenadd it.

The Christmas before last,exhausted from makingtons of cookies, after a few minutes of unsuccessfulbeating I realized I’d forgotten the meringue. Without a thought, I dumped it right in. The resulting icing was so clumpy, that after a FRUSTRATINGhour of unclogging and changing tips, I finally tossed it outand started over.

I’m sharing that in the hope of saving others the frustration…

On the other hand, if I happen to over-thin my initial mixture, adding more powdered sugar to the mix doesn’t seem to effect it at all. Go figure…

Moving right along…I begin by mixing my icing for5-6 minutes at medium speed. Then, as it thickens up, {think pudding} I hike it up to high.

I let it go on that way for about3-4 more minutes until it is stiff and fluffy like meringue. At this point, I can tell by the clanking of my mixer that it’s ready…thank goodness for Kitchen Aid’s wonderful warranty!

It should look like this. See how stiff it is? The whisk will actually stick there, without moving.

See? VERY stable.

Even if I move it around, the icing does not budge.

It’s from this point, that I work backward to the consistencies I plan on using for each project.

For information on how I store my icing, click {HERE}

For information of coloring and preparing royal icing, click {HERE}

If this is altogether too much for you, and seems like total and utter insanity, click{HERE} to learn more about glaze, or corn syrup icing.

A few more little notes:

  • Royal icing and oil are NOT friends. make sure all of your utensils are oil free, including your bowls. wash them well in hot water, and give them a rub with lemon juice or vinegar before using them.

  • Royal icing keeps for a long time. I have been told by MANY that they leave it covered on the counter for up to a month with no problem. I refrigerate mine, but that’s just me.

  • If you need to refresh it, you can fluff it up again with the mixer, and it will be like new.

  • If I am expecting humidity, I add a little less meringue powder, and a little cream of tartar. I didn’t just make that up. I read somewhere that CofT is a stabilizer and helps when it’s humid. It seems to work, although humidity has not been a concern of mine for almost a year *GRUMBLING*

  • It’s also alright to add a little bit of corn syrup to your icing. Every once in a while I do this if I want it to be a little shinier, but I really can’t tell if it helps or if I just think it does =)

  • I don’t really use Wilton Meringue powder anymore,but if you don’t have accessto other brands,it works just fine…

If you would like more info on royal icing, you should check out this article by my friend Haniela. It’s VERY informative and thorough, and includes a pictorial on making Antonia74’s RI.

You can also view an informative and FUNNY vlog, by Gail, AKA, One Tough Cookie {HERE} and another by Bridget, {HERE},both on University of Cookie. Might I add, I have a thing for throw pillows and Iwas VERY distracted byBridget’s =).

So, there you have it. My way of making royal icing. If it doesn’t work for you, no worries, try another and another, until something does.

Eventually you will find something you like.

Also, don’t stop here. Read everything yoU can get your hands on. There is so much information, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to include it all in one post.

Although there are some basic “rules”,making royal icing is like any other cookie venture. It’s unique to the baker. Don’t give up. Practice makes perfect! And remember despite what you have read and seen, in the case of royal icing, ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME. You might just come up with the new, coolest way to do it. As long as it works, it’s good!

This is only the beginning if you need help coloring and preparing royal icing for use, click HERE.

If you need help with piping and flooding/filling cookies, click HERE.

Recipes, Sweet Sugar Belle


Royal Icing 101 and My Favorite Recipe (2024)


What is the 10 second rule for royal icing? ›

The trick I use to make sure my icing is at the right consistency, is called the “10 second rule“. Drag a butter knife through the surface of your royal icing and count to 10. If the icing surface becomes smooth in anywhere between 5-10 seconds, then your icing is ready to use.

What are the three types of royal icing? ›

There are three main types of royal icing: stiff consistency, piping consistency, and flood consistency. They are used for different decorating techniques, although sometimes you can use different consistencies to achieve the same result.

What is the knife test for royal icing? ›

If you cut through the icing with a knife, it will not melt back together. The cut will stay visible. Stiff Royal Icing consistency is like cream cheese.

What makes royal icing harden? ›

Royal icing is made from confectioners sugar, water, egg white, and flavorings. This is the only icing that I use to decorate my cookies. The egg white is what allows it to dry hard, which is what makes royal icing so versatile.

What does overmixed royal icing look like? ›

Undermix, and your royal icing looks translucent and is structurally weak. Overwhip, and you're giving too much volume to the egg proteins via air, causing the structure to weaken in a different way. Overmixed icing usually looks porous when dry, and sometimes will not even fully dry and be soft/brittle.

Why is my royal icing not hardening? ›

As mentioned above, royal icing needs to be exposed to air to be able to dry completely. By putting wet royal icing in the fridge you are not only preventing the icing from actually drying, but the humid environment will also likely make the colors bleed.

Why does my royal icing taste weird? ›

It is likely caused by bad powdered sugar or vanilla extract. Not all powdered sugars are created equal. Make sure you use a good quality powdered or confectioners sugar that only contains cane sugar and corn starch. If it contains anything else, it will affect the taste and the texture.

How do you fix royal icing mistakes? ›

If the cookie was decorated in the last 30 to 60 minutes, Maddie suggests scraping off the icing that has cratered and piping it again, adding squiggles of icing inside the outline and filling the cookie with flood icing. This technique also works well for fixing small areas of your cookie.

Why isn't my royal icing shiny? ›

One of the main keys to shiny icing is getting that icing to dry quickly. The faster the icing dries, the shinier it will be. One simple method to faster drying is to just aim a fan at your drying cookies. I like to aim the airflow so that it passes evenly over my cookie sheet, not directly down at a particular cookie.

Why is my royal icing like marshmallow? ›

The icing will turn light and fluffy like marshmallow fluff if it has enough moisture. Be careful not to add too much water though because it is difficult to make the icing thicker again. Icing should hold a stiff or semi-stiff peak when it is done.

What tip is best for royal icing? ›

Outlining-consistency icing should squeeze easily out of a #2 pastry tip, stay in place, and hold its shape on the cookie when it lands. If the icing is too stiff, it will be hard to squeeze.

How do I know when my royal icing is done? ›

Using a timing test can help you figure out the correct consistency. Drag the tip of a butter knife through the surface of your icing, and see how long it takes for the lines to settle or smooth over or disappear. Or stir the icing with the spoon and let a few icing ribbons drop.

What is 12 second royal icing? ›

The royal icing (get the superior royal icing recipe here for free) or glaze (delicious recipe here) should be 12-15 second consistency. 12-second consistency means if you spoon up some icing and drop it back in, it takes 12 seconds for it to disappear. 15 seconds means the same, but it takes 15 seconds to disappear.

What are two things that royal icing can be used for? ›

A few things to remember:

Royal icing can be used for piping, outlining, or flooding. Each technique uses the same icing recipe—just the consistency (thickness) changes.

How long does royal icing take to harden? ›

It takes royal icing six to eight hours to completely dry. Once you flood, spread, or pipe it onto your cookies, let them stand at room temperature. However, royal icing will start to dry mid-use if you're not careful.

Does royal icing set up hard? ›

Does this icing get hard? As royal icing dries, it hardens to the consistency of a candy-like coating with a smooth, shiny finish, so it doesn't smear if you run your hands over it. It will take 6 to 8 hours to dry at room temperature.


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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.