SleepPro Teeth Whitening - Custom Made Bleaching Trays (2024)

SleepPro Teeth Whitening - Custom Made Bleaching Trays are madefrom the same high-grade materials we use for producing our anti-snoring and night guard products.

When your order is placed,we will send you a simple home impression kit to take impressions of your upper and lower teeth. From those impressions, we will produce yourSleepPro Teeth Whitening - Custom Made Bleaching Trays. Single kits can be ordered if only one set is required for upper or lower.

YourSleepPro Teeth Whitening - Custom Made Bleaching Trays come with a free storage case.

Trays are 1mm thick and should not be used for any other purpose than whitening trays

Please note we do not supply bleach or whitening gel.

Trays can only be as good as the impression, we would suggest you take a look at this video to helpfor hints and tips on creating a quality impression we can use

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    SleepPro Teeth Whitening - Custom Made Bleaching Trays (2024)


    Do custom teeth whitening trays work? ›

    Professional take-home teeth whitening trays are said to be one of the most effective ways to whiten teeth. The appliance is used to apply the bleaching product to the patient's teeth and it keeps them immersed in the product as it begins to remove stains from the inner and outer layers of their teeth.

    Are bleaching trays effective? ›

    Whether you do the whitening treatment at your dentist or at home, custom whitening trays are a proven and powerful method to get the results you (and your photos) are looking for.

    How long does it take to whiten teeth with custom trays? ›

    In regards to how long trays need to be worn, patients should expect to wear them until the teeth have reached the right shade of white. In some cases, it can take a few weeks or for serious stains, it can take up to a year.

    How long does it take to see results from teeth whitening trays? ›

    The carbamide peroxide gel in your tray is active for up to 8 hours. Normally teeth take 2-6 weeks to lighten. The darker your teeth are the longer your teeth will take to get lighter.

    How much do custom whitening trays cost? ›

    For in-office teeth whitening, it costs about $400-$700. The take-home tray is about $300-$500 and under $100 for over-the-counter whitening.

    How often do you use custom whitening trays? ›

    Wearing the trays once every 2 months will keep your teeth at a very stable colour indefinitely, however if you want to keep them at an even brighter white, you may want to wear the trays once a month. Whitening gel, for maintenance, is available from the practice.

    What are the pros and cons of bleaching trays? ›

    Pros: The trays are made from a mold of your mouth, so they fit perfectly over your teeth; you only wear the trays for about 30 minutes each day; whitening occurs in one to two weeks. Cons: This method is one of the most expensive to use; you will need gel refill syringes several times a year, adding more expense.

    Are whitening trays worth it? ›

    The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry endorses the use of custom-fit teeth whitening trays crafted by dentists as they really are that much safer than other options. There is no risk of tooth-whitening gel moving on out of trays that do not properly fit your mouth.

    How many days in a row can you use whitening trays? ›

    For at-home use, your dentist will instruct you to place a small amount of the bleaching solution into the clear trays and wear the trays for up to four hours a day for one to two weeks.

    Should you brush your teeth after removing whitening trays? ›

    After Whitening: Remove the tray and rinse off your teeth.

    Brush any remaining gel away. Brush, floss and continue routine dental cleaning. You may initially notice white splotches on teeth following removal of tray. This is typically cause by dehydration of the teeth and should diminish within an hour.

    How do you sleep with teeth whitening trays? ›

    If you are not experiencing any sensitivity you may wear the trays for 1-2 hours and even sleep with the trays in your mouth. It is very important to remove all the excess material around the gums or the plate prior to sleeping with the trays. The darker the teeth the longer your teeth will take to get lighter.

    Should you brush your teeth before using whitening trays? ›

    Prior to Treatment: Brush and floss just prior to bleaching your teeth. The whitening gel is the most effective with clean teeth. Try the trays in first without any bleach to check the fit and comfort. Make sure that the bleaching trays are clean and dry before applying the whitening gel.

    Why do I have no difference after teeth whitening? ›

    If the teeth do not whiten, the answer is to extend the treatment time.

    Do your teeth get more yellow after whitening? ›

    Teeth can become temporarily dehydrated after using whitening strips. Your teeth may appear more yellow as a result of this dehydration because the enamel may become dry and lack moisture. Dehydrated enamel sometimes has a transparent appearance that makes the naturally yellowish dentin underneath visible.

    Do teeth get whiter days after whitening? ›

    Color Spotting on the teeth may occur after in office Whitening due to temporary dehydration of the teeth. This should diminish within a few days after treatment. The whitening process will continue for 48 hours after treatment.

    Can I use my custom whitening trays as a night guard? ›

    Whitening trays are looser than night guards and can slide around during your sleep, therefore not providing consistent and effective protection. Whitening trays don't cover the entire biting surface and only cover the visible portion of your smile, meaning they don't cover your molars.

    Do teeth whitening trays work better than strips? ›

    Trays provide more coverage than some teeth whitening strips. May contain a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals for near-immediate results. Permanently remove light and tough stains. Many kits come with enough gel for multiple, separate treatments, which saves on costs.

    How long do you have to wear 20 teeth whitening trays? ›

    Brush teeth before inserting tray. Lightly tap tray to adapt tray sides to teeth. Wear Opalescence 20% for 2 to 4 hours.


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