The Atlanta Journal from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)

14 Cbe Atlanta Journal Tuesday June i i iw 19 RAILWAY SCHCDULI TERMINAL STATION MA. SchadalM fflilitel laf DEATHS AND FUNERALS Bishop O'Hara Expected to Go To Bucharest FUNERAL NOTICES Belcher, Mr. W. Brandt. Mr.

E. G. Carr. Sir. John 8.

Gatehonae, Mr. W. Gillespie, Mr. James Griffin. Mrs.

Jeff Haselrips, Mrs. Lon M. Keaffln, Mrs. Sara Adeline Skinner. Mrs.

J. It. N. Speer, Mrs. S.

D. BELCHES The friends of Mr. and Mrs. I. W.

Belcher, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Belcher Mrs.

M. Harwell, Mr. and Mrs. S. I Belcher, Mr.

and Mrs. A. Hatton, Mr. and Mrs. J.

C. Cook Cincinnati, Ohio; Mrs. Ethel Pruitt, Mr. and Mrs. E.

G. Har well, Tampa, Mr. and Mrs. R. T.

Harwell and the sev' eral nieces and nephews are in vited to attend the funeral of Mrs. W. Belcher, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at oclock from the Capitol View Methodist Church, Rev. H. Stratton, Rev.

W. Lee Cutts and Rev. W. J. DeBardeleben off! dating.

Interment, Greenwood. The remains will lie in state at the church from 1 until o'clock. The following will serve as pallbearers and meet at the -church at 1:45 oclock Major E. E. Wilson, Captain L.

C. Carroll, Messrs. R. H. Anderson, W.

C. Hightower. Green B. Adair and H. C.

Hill. Austin Dillon funeral Family Reunion Set After 40 Years Eight brothers and sisters who-havent all been together in 40 years will be reunited in Atlanta Thursday, and they will all go to Athens Friday for the graduation of the daughter of one of the slaters from the University of Georgia. "As many as seven of us have been reunited at once, but somehow all eight of us couldnt get together," Mrs. Addison Maupln, one of the four sisters, said Tuesday. Were expecting a happy time indeed." The other sisters are Mrs.

A. Speer, Miss Simmie Twitty, and Miss Bessie Twitty, all of Atlanta. The four brothers are J. C. Twitty, of Orlando, Paul E.

Twitty, of West Palm Beach, Marshall Twitty, of Manchester, and Joseph E. Twitty, of Atlanta. The old family home was Camilla, Ga. Mrs. Speers daughter, Min Harriette Speer, member of the Phi Beta Kappa and editor of the campus newspaper, Red and Black, will receive her diploma from the university.

Hf Montgomery-Selma 1:00 13:85 am New Orleans-Monl ornery New Orleans-Montgomery 8:38 am pm Montgonry-Selma-Loeal 1 :39 pm :30 aw New Orle Arrive SOUTHERN-' RAILWAY Leaves 1:00 am Charlotte-Washington 1:30 am 10.30 City 1:48 am 0:38 pm Maeon-Nrunawlck 1:48 am 8:10 pm -Ohio 0:40 om 1:30 pm Y. 0:00 am 0:08 pm The Boutherner-N. 10:30 om 0:48 pm Jaivllle-Miami-Bt. Pate 13:01 pm 0:08 am The Crescent 1:38 pm 8:18 pm York 1:88 pm am Rome-Chattanoooa 3:30 pm 1:48 pm Birmlnaham-Memphia 8:18 pm 13:30 pm Warm 8:80 pm 11:40 am 1:10 pm 10:10 am The Bouthernar-N. Y.

8:18 pm 1:00 am CharC'mbla-Charl. 0:30 pm 4:88 pm Washington-New York 8:30 pm :10 am JaxvUIa-Miaml-St. Pa la 0:30 pm 10:00 om Toreoa-Oreenvllla 10:00 pm 1:10 am Je'vlHe-Mlaml-Tampa 10:40 pm Arrive! C. OP OA. HY Leave Oriffln-Maeon-Savannah 8:30 am 1:00 pm Macon-Albany-Florida 10:18 am 1:18 pm coiumbua 10:38 am 11:30 am GrTffln-Macon 4:00 pm 1:08 pm Coiumbua 8:00 pm 8:00 am Albany-Tampa-St.

Pete. 0:00 pm 0:00 am Macon-Albany-Florida 0:08 pm 1:18 am Macon-B'vn'nah-Albany 11:80 pm Arrive SEABOARD a Tit LINK Leave :30 pm Birmlnaham-Memphia 8:38 am :00 am N. :50 pm 0:30 am 0:48 pm Pm Birmlnaham-Memphia 8:00 pm :40 pn ffkiosr Arrives Teaves am 8:30 am 8:84 pm am Jacksonville-Miam 1:38 pm Cordela-Wayerosa 8:88 am Doaolaa-Brunawlcb a Famoui Dixie Fleeter operate every 3rd day. Ak ticket aaent for datei. Arrlvea GEORGIA RAltfibAD Leave! 0:38 pm- Augusta-Charleston 8:00 am pm Ploranca-Richmopd 8:00 am 1:30 am Auouata-Floranea 0:00 pm 1:30 om Charleaton-Wllmlntton 0:00 pm Arrive C.

8T.C BY. Leovea laTTTim STREAMLINER 8:40 am June 2nd Ev'y 3rd day thereafter June 3rd 1:48 pm 11:30 am 1:38 pm Chattanooga-Naihvills 10:00 am 0:40 am 1:40 pm 0:30 am Louis 0:30 pm Arrival A N. IjC R. Leave :30 pm Knoxville via Blue Ridas HTlfe am 1:30 pm 0:30 am 8:38 pm 8:40 am 8:30 am 0:00 pm ANNOUNCEMENTS-Centetory Lets AfJTiPuL 4-sravr loT Mountain View Cemetery, on Stone Mt. car line: 13 mllra from Atlanta.

Only 8100. 810 cash, balance 88 monthly. Rldo down and aec. car atop at entrance. Phone WA.

FEES Funeral services for Mrs. S. D. Speer will be held tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2 oclock at the First Baptist Church, Chattahoochee, Ga. Rev.

C. C. Buckalew and Rev. T. P.

Tribble will officiate. Interment, Magnolia Cemetery. Pallbearers will please assemble at the residence, 841 Rose Circle; S. at 1:15 oclock. Howard L.

Carmichael and Sons. jjSPRlHG Hill 1 BRANDT The friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. E. G.

Brandt. Miss Sarah Brandt, Mr. Edward Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. August Brandt, Merrill, Mr.

and Mrs. E. W. Aldschultz, Warsaw, Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Young. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brandt, Apple-ton. Mr.

Clarence Brandt, Merrill, are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. E. G. Brandt. Thursday, June 13, 1946, at 3:30 oclock at Spring Hill.

Interment, West View. The pallbearers will be Mr. G. R. Dendy, Mr.

Fred R. Crandall, Mr. Howard W. Powell. Mr.

J. E. Capes, Mr. F. H.

Whitten, Mr. Alex M. Murray, Mr. Harry W. Miley, Mr.

Robert Stanley. Honorary: Mr. W. W. Dupree, Mr.

Robert Sims, Mr. C. W. McAllister, Mr. J.

N. Le Gallienne. GATEHOUSE. Mr. W.

Sr Of Route 1, Atlanta, died June 11, 1946. Surviving are his wife; daughters, Mrs. Pendleton Mitchell. Tifton, Mrs. briell Benzur; Miss Pauline Gatehouse; sons.

Mr. W. D. Gatehouse, Mr. H.

E. Gatehouse: sisters. Mrs. Katie Kenner, Ocala, Mrs. Sarah Beasley.

Brunswick, Mrs. Laura De Loach. Mrs. Elizabeth Hope, both of Macintosh County, brothers, Mr. Thomas Gatehouse, Mr.

Samuel Gatehouse, both of Darien, Ga. SKINNER. Mrs. J. R.

of 1446 Lanier Place, N. died June 10. 1946. Surviving are her husband, daughter, Mrs. Charles E.

Hony; sisters. Mrs. W. H. Richardson, Ponchatoula, Mrs.

C. A. Harris, Columbia, brothers, Mr. B. Frank Lampton, New Orleans, Mr.

Lamont Patten, Angie, Mr. W. E. Patten, Houston, Texas; grandson, John Charles Hony. The remains were taken to Columbia.

for funeral services and interment. GRIFFIN. Mrs. W. Jeff Of 231 Peachtree Way N.

died June 1 1 1946. Surviving are her husband; Sons, William J. Griffin, James A. Griffin; sisters, Mrs. Henry Martin, Eureka, Mrs.

Robert Macke, Oshkosh, brother, Mr. George Mc-Cammond, Waukesha, Wi Mr. Fred J. McCammond, Oshkosh, and Mr. William J.

McCammond, Marquette, Wis. INMEMOE1AM In memory ef Srrinnt Tony J. Vickery, wha killed In Prance on June 11: I cannot ear and 1 will not aar Tni he la dead He la just away: With a cheery amlle and a wave of the hand. He has wandered Into an unknown lend. (ind left ua dreamlne now -eery fair 1 needa muat be, alnce ha llneera there.

And you you. who the wildcat yearn Pr the old-time etep and the sled return. link of hint ferine on. ae doar the lore of There ae the love of Here: Think of him etill ae the came. I aar.

He la not dead he fa Juat away. MOTHER. MRS. BERTlE VICKERY: MRS. D.

J. STORY. JAMES. "Sewing machine EXPERTLY adjusted, S3 Adams Bales Service. DE.

30B: res- CR. 3000. Slip Coww Pupatki 18 SLIP 'coVer. draperies, dressing table: klrta fitted In home. Can furnish material, cord, anape.


MA, 8184. LAMP SHADES. CtlRTAlNS JR 3318. CUSTOM-MADE slip covers oraperlea. bcdprrada, Mr.

or Mra. Smith. VE. 8048. CUSTOM-MADE Mincovera cut and flttad CUSTOM-MADE ftllncovera rut and In your home.

Mra. Oill, RA. 8833, 8LIPCO fit Sand draper ie a. work guar. anteed.

Call Harper. JA. 8035. SOFAS, cnalra covered, alipcovera, drape. Mr.

C. H. Crpnlc. JA. 8448 AUTOMOBILES AoNwiilti for Ssls 21 sPecIaXB OPA CEIUNO PRICE NO TRADE REQUIRED '43 Hudson 4-door 81.308 41 Packard 4-door Clipper 1,888 41 Bulek 4-door Super 1.385 '41 Packard Cvt.

Coups 1,108 38 Ford Std. 3-door 441 31 Ford A 3-door 188 '38 Bulek 4-door 408 '37 Plymouth 4-door Sedan 400 TH UCK8 '30 Chevrolet Cab A Chassis '40 Dodse Dump '40 Dodaa Carso '43 Dndxo Station Waxon 43 Chevrolet Dump '43 Pord Tractor, tires 900x30 408 1.118 1093 008 1.113 1.303 41 Dodxe, lone wheelbase, flat stake IBB '43 Dodaa Pickup 848 R. 8. EVANS "World's Larxeat Dealer' 353 Sprint N. W.

WA. 3441 YOU are In need of fine car. look no further. 1841 Lincoln Zephyr 4-dr. aed.

Completely overhauled at tha Lincoln dealers 4 new tlree and a steal at low OPA 1.531. BETTER HURRY C. W. MOTOR lS-8prinf 7J3J "43 8TUDKBAKER 81.141; 41 Siude-baker Comm. 81.385: Packard 8586: '34 Pord Tudor.

8344: 41 Plymouth 4-dr, 81.038: 42 Wlllya 81.005: '41 Cfiryalrr 81.098; 38 Chev. 8298: 30 other make, all within OPA celline. Corner Waeh-Ineton and 8. Main East Point. PONTIAC 3-d S-passrnser.

below OPA celllnx. 8428, or will trade for eheaprr ear. 35 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. Below. OPA celllnc.

fJOva 318 CAPITOL 8. E. CHgTOoLET 4-dr 390 344 1835 OLDSMOBILK 4-dr. 345 All Within OPA ceiilne 09 S. Main East Point.

Ga. 1941 FORD super de luxe 4-door wilk hex ter. oritinal maroon finish, perfect tlree. trade for clean older model. OPA warranty celllnx.

81.043. a JOHN ALDRIDGE U8ED CARS S9Weet Peachtree Place. 5433. 1841 OLDS MOBILE. 4-door sedan, (-cylinder.

Radio and heater. Model IS. Low OPA ceilins. 81 .018.81. Can be seen after P.

corner Moreland and Memorial at Orlfflth Ber. Sta. No phone. C. C.

Whiten, owner. 1841 BUlck Century aedanette. radio, heater; trade for older model car. OPA warranty celllnx. 81.318.

JOHN ALDRIDGE USED CARS 38Weat. Peachtree yiare. JA. 5433. 1841 CHEVROLET sperlal 'de luxe -3-door with heater: trade for rlran older model.

OPA warrant relllns. 81.007. JOHN ALDRIDGE USED CARS 1843 OLDSMOBILE 88" Hydroma lie. Rune very sood. Will sell for low OPA celline.

1.170. 1-3 Cash. bal. 15 months. BILL AUSTIN'S USED CARS 80 W.

P'tree Place. N. W. WA. 8700 PORD 11141 sutler de luxe 3-door: heater: trade for clean older model.

OPA warranty celllnx 5900. JOHN ALDRIDGE USED CARS new tires. OPA celling. 51.030. Will trade for cheaper car.

BILL AUSTIN'8 USED CARS ,.9 P'tree Place. N. W. WA. 8700 OLD8 good radio, heater, apol lient.

Paint and Interior clean, 8 eood tires. No grill. Will aell low OPA celling 410. By owner. See at 1443 Stewart 8.W..after0 p.

10.75 FORD Tudor de luxe. "Clean car. Good tires, good condition. Heater. OPA celline (374.

See between 1 end 8 p. m. No phone. 403 Atlenta 8. corner of Ore rt Park.

'41 OLDS Sedan, hydrametlc drive H. and R. One owner Orte. thorouehout. Trade tor cheaper car.

OPA cell. 1.300. Vatiehan Motors. 330 W. Peachtree.

WA. JS2Q. 42 HUDSON 4-door Super f. CeiUns price. 11.135.

HUGGINS MOTORS Wert Prsrhtree. MA- 8887 '41 PONTIAC sedanette. H. and R. orfx.

throughout. A nice car. Trade tor rheaper car. OPA celllnx 81.138. Venetian Motors.

320 W. WILL sell 1041 Nash Ambassador. V-d r. sedan; rlran. radio and healer: overdrive.

OPA 1,350. See Mr. Davla at standard Servlrr Elation. 34 Ponre deI.eoii Nw E. 1940 PAC1CARD 110.

0-cyflnder. I-dr. aedan Rsrellrnt rondlllon. New Urea, seal rovers. Private ownrr.

OPA low celllnx. 770. WA. 1080. 1039 STUDEBAKER Dictator 8 4-door sedan: xond condition: anod tlrra, within OPA rrlllnx.

439. Will trada or aell '35 FORD tordor. OPA celllnx 404 30 PACKARD aed. OPA rrlllnx 005 .75 E. CY.

J304. CLEAN '3 Pord de luxe Tudor. Radio. heoler: 700 under OPA rellfnx. Sr at 437 Jilll.

8l.i8.. Ejaflrr p.m '43 PORD auurr de luxe, radio and heater New llrri. OPA celling. 1.303. Like JqJrde for oldet rar, MAln H5, 1041 OLDSMOBILE "0" hydroma tic 4-door aedan.

OPA retllnx. 1.440. 547 Boule yard N. E. HE.3305-J.

1040 CHRYSLER 4-door de luxe, perfect condition. OPA relllnx. 1 020. No deal r. please.

Call VE. 5000. WE BOY and aell used-cars at OPA eell- Ino. Bee ue. Harrv Somtttara.

375 Peachtree. HE. 2831. '41 BUICK srdan excellent condl-tlon. New tlree.

OPA (1.400. Bell or trade. 303 W'hall. i36 CHEVROLET 4-dr. sedan.

Good tires and upholstery. Perfect condition. OPA relllnx 26.CA.4129. fl40 BUlck "sedan, radio. Ticater.

A sood buy at 1 331. OPA crllinx. Wade Grant, 7 W. P'tree. HARPER DOLVTN MOTOR OO 28AI A NDKR jT.

N. CY, 1334 C7IEVROI.RT. 3-door Maairr. OPA 350. 092.

Bankhead N.W. 41 STUDEBAKER Commander heater 'and overdrive. OPA reillnq. 1.458. CAW4105.

1941 DODGE 4-dr. fluid drive, ra-dlO. heater, OPA 51.350. A. 415.

'40 MERCURY 4-DR. 11.031. PA. 21(1 '35 BUICK "SPEC. 4-DR.

QPA 486. CA. 3101 8. EVANS renta car. Daily-weekly -7SS5S rond.

OPA Ull. 359 Court land 34 Ford. 4o motor "Tudor aedan. OPA relllnx (303. 709Pryor 8.

W. 40 STUDERAkFR. pPA--fllruJ7l1 gA.4155 il FORD Pordnr aimer do luxr. OP.) celllnx. Jl.043.

4185. 42 PI MOIITH aper. de luxe 3-dr. OPA relllnx. 91153w CA 4IS.V 41 NASH 4-dr.

AmhaMador 1.175 OPA cell. CA. 3191. 39 FORD runoR 5548. OPA cell- n.

CABIOB '34 CHEV 3-dr. Maater. 378. OPA reli '33 PLYMOUTH 3-dr. OPA relllns.

11(0 Allg, 37 DODGE 4-dr. aedan. 1441. OPA celline. Aiioiiiobilwp--6sloeEiiehsiifs 23 1043 CHEVROLET' 3-door.

New tires. Or lsl-nal paint. Good condition throughout. Trade for cheaper car or pickup truck. CR.

4720. 50 Sterling N. E. 1530 PACKXrd1t-13TS. Excellent condition.

motor and tires. Under OPA cell, for 1.500. RA. 4043, Sun. RA.

0430. week days. LYWr'- 41 PL' cheaper car. Curtland, 37 PORD Tudor, excellent' Trade. OPA celling.

8353. lend St. Trad tor OPA ceiling. 805. 38 contrition.

3(8 Courl- Busms 24 CHEVRSI.FT-B&fiGoL-BUR! Steel body. -Ar6iRRU. Auto Trucko for Sal 25 OPA CYTLINO PRICES 41 M. C. onr-tone panel 8148 37 FORD Hi-ton.

Iona wheel baae rab and alake 88J4 VICTORY MOTORS. INC. VE. MM1 17 North Avenue. Between the Ftreoa IIJJjcMIV.

dump truck, ready to xo. AMERICAN MOTOR CO. 385 Lutklr. N. CY.

8011. NEWLOCATION 48 CHEVROLET. 4-wheel drive, caroo body. si. 150.


3771 l9dewood, 41 CHEV. Ufa-ton. MA. 3134. 1.00x30 tires.

lS-ft. stake body. 1800. The Brake Shoo. paasenoer car.

HE. 4813 or coma by 831 MqrletlaSt. Im3 CHEVROLET pickup, reconditioned motor, good tires. Call VE. BOM.

tWO" MACK "truck "tractor with sleeper cabs. Wood condition. 1412. 140 MACK tmcit. 34-ft Pruehauf trailer, new motor.

Call RA. 0808. Autoo pad Trucks toe Kent 26 CGnvZrt end closed care rented to r-spon- people. dUy or weekly, HE. 0117 AirplouM 27 ONEalrplane Tayloreraft DiSo-M.

with 3-way radio, aenaltlve altimeter, total houre. 300. engine being majored now. contact L. W.

Lenthler. Winder. Oa Trstoo und Husvy Egpt. 21 CNE ALLlRCifALMERS tractor with front end loader. A-l condition.

RA. 4371. afrer PULLPOZER to rent by hour or job. CaD after 8 p. DE.

9848. Trsctsro and Htsw East. 26 TRACTOR ALLta-CHALfflnS CRAWLER. H. D.

10. OAi-ft. hydraulic blade: 3 new Oti-yd. WOOUUDOE SCRAPERS: 3 0-lon Lnwboy trailers. QUALITY FARM SUPPLY CO.

330 NELSON ATLANTA CYJ487. CX.M0l. Hew 1040 ftlBSON garden tractors equipped with plow ana bulldoscr blade. 715.08. Terms.

Austin Abbott. 333 W. Peachtree. WA. 3211.

G556 Ford son tractor and double disc harrow. BE. 1148-J. (30 Hlehtower north weat. Trailer 21 6HYi04 30-ft.

Trailmobll flat trailer with dual axles and slat sides: 1-140 30-ft. Trailmobll flat trailer, sincl axle with slat aides. These trailers have been in use in light work for only 4t) mo. Tire in excellent condition. Boo Mr.

Britton. Oa. Hiohway Expreia. 10. Krox 8t.

N. E. EQUIP yoiir trailer Butane tankT ftleh and low regulators: Preway and Coleman conversion kits: rxhauit fans. auto, hot water heaters. New and used trailers.

Prices arc always low. Burns Trailer Mart. 54 Peachtree St- N. E. TOR SALE 31-foot Glider trailer; hot and cold water, bath, toilet, bottle ess tor cookine; sleeps four.

3 rooms, Tandum wheels, new Urea, 3.100. Bee el Press Coir's Place acrosa river. Bank-head Hiohway. Mra. Pair.

ubekttkoyai: ADMIRAL BCHULT DISTRIBUTORS Good Ueed Trailer Parts Repairs ATLANTA TRAILER MART 370 W. Peachtree WA. 13 TRAILERS" FOR BALE oft RENT TRAILER parklne. MPolrino otycejorloo C. LIGHT TRA1LFR SALES Atlanta.

Ga. Msrletta. Oa. Hlw f84f" Bantam luecace trailers. 338.

Also new 1846 Turner farm dump trailers. 1195. Austin Abbott. 333 W. Feach- tree.

WA. 2211. TVO-WHKi or one-wheel lussssc trailer for rent and sale, hourly, dally and weekly rates. 333 Flat Shoals Avo. CY.

3831. LUGGAGE TRAILERS built to order. Stock on hand. 411 Allen's Used Care. EJLT.

Good cpna Momorlal S. BCHULT. Good Trwilwro Wanlag Sleeps four. Point. 30 win TOR GOOD livable house trailer.

trade 3-rm, cablntn woods overlbpklno a beautiful boldtranch. on a 8-aere tract. Mountainous atmosphere. 13 ml. Atlenta.

Cantrell. MA. 3782. RESPONSIBLE party wants to rent hamae trailer for two weeks. A.

C. Martin. Oa. Tech. Box 1040.

TRAfLEMTWAWreP ATIAWTA TRAILER MART. WA. 138. CMiTlor late model house trailer from owner. 33 W.

P'tree. WA. 2211. PAY CASH to owner tor houae trailer suitable to live In. WA.

0310. II NitwTKmC ENFIELD MOTORCYCLES (348 AND 445 delivered In Allanle. Pier your order noa- for delivery In 3 to 5 weeks. R. 8.

EVANS JA. 5001 MWStt party-has 3 motor scooters. 1 with and 1 without sidecar. Excellent condition. Must sell one.

301 15lh N. HEj 7417, sftrr 4:30 p. m. '43 45.t' new-lire, perfect me-chantcally. Sell or trade for rar.

See Mr. McDonald. 104 Washington East Point PaKYs a hePaIK3. aLL maRes MARION ROBERTS MOTORCYCLE CO. 0 FIFTH N.

W. VE. 3432. CUSHMAN scooter, side car. buddy seal.

229. 1831 S. Gordon Southwest, we "Bti YaRiT selITm5T5rcyMJ ALLEN 8 U8ED CARS. 411 Memorial. B.

E. '43 HARLEY, drive shaft, opposed cylinder Job. Exc. cond, 1508 N. "Mein.

E. Point. LIKE NEW. model 6P Cushmen motor scooter. 1335 Bankhead.

N. W. 1841 INDIAN WiTi-sell or trsJe n1 Bteasrt 8. i940 INDIAN 45 motorcycle. Clean.

Call RA. MW. farts and Accn8srM 33 Tailor-made auto ifXY cbVERs. ronv. tops, floor mats, front and rear: trimmings, upholstering.

Prompt service. Shockley Trim Shop. 101 Pino cor- Plym. A Chev. engines.

Others rebuilt or exchsd. and Inetalled. HE. 2395. AT.

3057. pARTS bln. plywood, ad'iuxteble. 3 ft. by ft.

by 10 fine tor basem*nt stores; CY 34H Or OY. 5005. GOOD used complete Packard 0 motor. Tite '37 to '43. 150.

H. B. Shy. Atli WAN- then. pa ANTED Two Nash.

HE. 5314 AM. 177. rich) side doors for l3 4-W after 0 q. or R(8irio usd Pointina VRCntf-SPECIALISTS SPECIALIZING In complete satisfaction of our ruatomera.

WITH co*kRECT SERVICING, you ran be assured that each vital part will continue to perform lie particular task ef' llrlrnf lv. CHEVHOl.CT PARTS, the finest of loole and equipment and expert personnel all add up tor dependable service, dependable performance. JOHN SMITH COMPANY "The Old Reliable" Chevrolet Dealers "Over 75 Years In Atlenta" 830-540 W. Peachtree N. W.



1350 Have Vnur Car Painted. 131! Up HAPEVILLE AUTOMOBILE CO. 341 Stewart Ave. CA. 2101 downtowx chevroletcs: 430 Whitehall St.

at Foriyth. MAIn COM, SffAflit xTiile you can. Phone East Point Chevrolet Dealer. CA. 3101.

34 Tjra Rocspptitf 6 Rspsirlwf 39 EXPkRT and Brake Service FIRESTONE STORES Spring and Baker Sta. WA. 930 Wealed Autoa I ruck ft. 8. EVANS "The World's Larerat Dealer" NKF.ItR MORE USK.l) CARS AT ONCE All Makes and Model WILL PAY TOP PRICES fall el or Phone JIMMY RAKKH 341 Sarins Si.

JA 501 C. M. ADAMS 23 Rnrlnx St. JA. 3433 BARTON 25J.flicrlnE.8l.

WAJ4H TOP PRICES IP YOU 8RM. TO US, SRE FROST FIRST! JST MOTORS Your Ford Dealer WA. 8H. BAD A8 if A WA ITTN 41 Corner Waahlnaton and EAST POINT CA. 3105 S.

Mela WANT TO PAYOU HIGHEST CASH PRICES TOR YOUR CARS See Mr. Jones or Mr. Wllklno MITCHELL MOTORS 330Pearlitree. St. A 5215.

NOW la (he time to aell ryou ear. Drop in tn see me today. Tnp prices are paid tor all make and models of aood. clean uaed car GLENN RUIfE USED CARS 37 8 PJnq if YOU have a truck. any alxa or description.

get In touch with ue. We have cash waiting. AMERICAN MOTOR CO. 358 Luckie. N.

W. CY. (Oil NEW LOCATION SSia ME your" car WILL pay you tho htxheat cash price for any make or any model car or light truck Brins It to 310 Forsyth St nd i L. Kidd. WA.

0310 day, er CALL US for correct ceiilne prices on any make or model automobile. VICTORY MOTORS. INC lL2tolh VE. 4M1 WE WILL BfJV ANY GOOD CLEAN CAR OR TRUCK Readv tn ao at OPA celling FLORENCE MONTOOMERT 2LBker St. JA 1187 Wfc BUY bREfTCAfeS SEE ED ROBERTSON CAPITAL AUTO CO.

CADII.LAC-OMM DEALERS OPP. H1LTMORE TY USED CAR SALES 383 Spring WA. 0740. WILL pay you tha highest cash price fei Hrourcar: also appraise your car fra. HAVE 817300 cash "to a nice ear; would buy cheaper ana If In sood rondlllon Prefer buying from private owner, call at my home.


TREE. VE-791 WE buy any aood truck or pa Man car car. Call for appraisal. CHAS. A.

PARR 8t, MA 9181. CASfrTOR YOUR USED CARS FRANK GRAHAM OO Peachtre8t. y. 8181. INDIVIDUAL wanta'gooJ clean '41'or '4i modal car.

Will pay celling price cash. Days call Mr. Harwell. MA. 3531.



INC 333 HprlnBt. WA 3381 Cash-Tor a anintT N. W. RA. 8338.

41 Cash for your car HIX ORIDI BUICK co NORTH AVE. ERAN urgently in need Will pay 123Jal. used car. Necessary lor work. Will cash to Jirlvatejwner.

122u VETERAN needs clean old model ear. Within OPA eeillnx under 0800 Prl IlJirlf, No dealers, MA, 383Ji I AM NO BARGAIN HUNTER 1 NEED a ear now. Money is no objoc make or model. For personal ua Call anytime. HE.

1QBO-H. WANTED Very cloan 38 or 40 Pontiac or Plymouth coach. M. Aday. 834 Vlr- W9 Ayf HapyyUi; CASH for clean car from private owner.

Phone or write John K. Harper. Ban O. AM-. 227.

R. 8. Evans Will paylow for any dean rar. R. 341-303 Spring St, VeITRaN In need pay' celllnx CalfATtfMWner l0t model.

AY top price ta private owner for lata model car that I can use for travelmx. MA. 3440. WILL pay top cash dollar for eood clean car from Individual, call WA. 000.

or Cr. 3017. jgtfintt)rwurvnr WAj830, INDIVIDUAL wonts eood t-paao rar; wi. OHIO. Highest prices.

CY, 1771. WANTED POOP AUTOMOsnj; PROM PRIVATE PARTY. VE. 9730. is to buy i pay cash.

barrel" HEAD TOE UYt pay you ar for any ioM ear or truck. CY. 3833. 40 or '41 low-pneed WSaANCAR' 6M 9MVATE needed. fcaU 1M BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ssrvkso 1st tho No ffninnKffireoiiMH DECORATE YOUR HOME.



1701-Tutchib RE-UPHpLBTERiNO anivi'c3 Ouarentee work bsei iliiy -1 REBUILD AND NZUPBOLSTEN -Uvino Room nim1tur Quod no Nov IF YOU HAVE A SmTB That Needs Dot ns Over From Too to Bottom I WILL COME IN PERSON With large Selection af Sample ANY TTMB DAY OR EVENING PRICES NUPRISINGLV LOW TERM IP DESIRED attention vygiuNbwriitnirofNif We wish to make this offer to veteran h-wne builders. Complete plana and specifications for 835. We have also 100 different plana to choose from at cheeper rates. All work done by professional enalneera. R.

E-, MOORE. mowpM '940 Marietta gt VE. 78 BROS. 19 YRS. EXPER' ROBINSON BROS.

WE epeclallse on): of workmanship Suck head aertions. For freo estimates nd auggruipn pleae tall. DE195 Ktnwrwa, fainting, paper dkT. Pixxm SANDING AND REPAIRS. CALL US RETORE YOU HAVE YOUR WORK FLOOR 8 ANDINO-FINISHING COMMERCIAL SPRAYING 38 MONTHS TO PAY ALL WHITE UIBOR MA 184ir IENCE WJK too Bradlnx plowing, kulld and feed lawns, tree work.

rlean up jobs around homes, haul off all of tha rubbish-clean off and prepare lot to build good mule. Victory Oardoner. UPHOLSTERING SERVICE FOR HOMES OR INSTITUTIONS DMIoniniI. building and remodelln OHIr hr. tn.

till a. m. or rail Sun ill 3 m. Reed Const, fa. 1138 ATyot CONCRETE work, basem*n la.

arena, drive-walks concrete block aarase. hlneka. sand and haultpe. Free estimate. VETERANS COAL It SANITARY SERVICE E.

1297or VE. II gPHOUTfcRiNO RNITURE AND AN7 rkfTn6hinq BROOKWOOD SHOP 1138 4119 YOUNClfi-foWN KITCHENS now'aviHliSle. wl modernise your kitchen. We are kitchen expert. Free estimates BUILDERS' SUPPLY CO.

you need a roof for that new house "ow. we have the materiel. Community Roofing and Siding Co. VE. 8884.



floor landing, carpenterlag, iw peiring. eement work: all xlnds of s- FOR Through THOMAS Decorators EAINTINO PAPERING INSULATING 148 Boulevard at Piedmont. HE 3830 FLOOR ranpiNg SCTEENINq EXPERIENCED wall paoer hiuaer: paint Ins woodwork inside, dona by whtta workmen: aatlafactlon eu a ran teed Call JA J448: wall napering and painting, hr a nice flam Job don by white workmen, satisfaction guaranteed, eall E. T. CantrelL day or niaht.

MAIn 8581. NO MORE house building, palnilng. tottering and all. Oeneral repairs. Free cat: plus feat service.

CaU W. A O. Re- pair Co. MA. 001L 3.

H. KINAR'D ROOFTNO C6! QUTCKaeryc. Roof repairing, rerooflne aiding. RA. 8343 day or night.

90 paint ftur-niahed on any job. Colors to select jftow furplhd and Inatelled. vail. CA.702f., IF your furniture need unfinTaierlna oe reflnlshlna rail West End IJPholaterlne. Eenaonabla price, rtione RUGA, carpet a unh nliterTn a be a ii tft uB rleaned in your home; dries in 8 to CH aiairk auirnlMd Free estimate.

Reasonable Prices Prompt Berviee ftTU8 build youjcablneta for you. Er oablnet built special to order. Mner rt leflniehlnx: quality and goad aernce. oa Piedmont s. B.

MA. 1238. "HUlLDINb OENERAL REPAIRS; PAINTINO Cowart ma sen mNaftiiftGoFWtgEPaS" PORCH REPAIRS; 81U4 PITT IN. yr 498. DO your work now Hleh-cISM Interior decoratlna.

We havo tha beat Phone pz. 438. PAINTING. Jnlarlor ana exterior. AflT wore guaranteed.

Free eatlmatea. All white labor. Call Rrotly and Charlie. MA. 3M1.

PAINTTRO ArtD'DBCGftATINOInteridrii. esterlora. fraa eatlmatea. White union r-1 JA' 4J40-4L p. N.

ROBBIITflb Mncrii eoDiruior, totoirina: allla replaced. Up to 38 months to pay If desired WA lirt rhanglno and decoratinn: pAtNTING. cape. hlehest quality worl elnf ird materials s( reasonable pricea. Med'nck.

C4. oi58. ALL typee refrigerators, washing machines Srpf.l.r,d..- All, work guaranteed trJTE. 8388 nOOR sanding, finishing, palnflng. pTas-Rr't'turie.

cleaning. Work guar- Oailcn.AT. 1984. TOOOR laying nnd reflnMilng. list a d.

er reflnleh your floor. 4-eoot JA. 8834 or JA. 1884-J. HAVE your house painted now by veter-ane.

Work done Immediately. Prices NACES. CHIMNEY REPAIRS GENERA! REPAIR WORK VE 1848 flfBCBRJ and palntlne. EI0R-LA YING. sanding and fialidiini! Wa apsclailae tn new work.

M. WoM ijoorlngcd.RA (jgT. PAINTIN OT papering, eeneral repair. aTl white labor, beat material used, call Mr. Bryant! MA.

8033. HOMES Of DtsYtacflON WALL cleanlns. alio complete interior decorating and outside painting. Tilson (b Lively. DE.

8850. StPtRfSR ifAi7! riESS. hlgh-eradi reno-vallng; alto room aultas raup- hnlatered. HE. 8374.

ctimw jtony wTrernrifiBinB aitp WALtS SAND I AND ORAVEL DEUV-ERED. MA. 8831. Wuntod Autoo 'Truck ROME, June 11. WP) A qualified source said Tuesday that Catholic Bishop Gerald P.

OHara, of the Savannah-Atlanta diocese, probably would go to Bucharest as Papal Nuncio Jto replace Msgr. Andrew Cassulo, reported being withdrawn at the demand of the Romanian Government Bishop OHara is in Rome. Earlier, the English-language newspaper daily American said it had learned from well-informed Vatican sources that the Vatican, yielding to Romanian demands had decided to recall Cassulo. The Daily American said the Communist-sponsored Romanian Government asked the recall on the grounds that documents alleged to have been uncovered during the trial of former Premier Ion Antonescu compromised the nuncio. The newspaper said the Vatican rejected the first demand but acceded to a second strongly worded one.

The newspaper said Cassulos successor had been named and accepted by Romania. Several times during the last few months, the name of Bishop OHara has been mentioned in connection with verified rumors that the Vatican was considering him for a position high in the ranks of the Holy See. Tuesdays dispatch from Rome, however, was the first to come directly out of that city, unofficially connecting the rumors to the Vatican. Bishop OHara has been in Italy for several weeks. HANDIWORK POPULAR DENVER.

U.R) Some 25,000 children and adults visited Denvers Childrens Art Museum during the display of childrens handiwork first six months after the unique display was opened. FUNERAL NOTICES GILLESPIE Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. James Gillespie; Mrs. Marianne G.

En-slow, Mr. Frederick C. Enslow, Mr. Frank Gillespie, Mr. Edward W.

Gillespie, Mrs. Cassie Meehan, of Ireland; Mrs. Annie Murphy, Ireland; the nieces and nephews are invited to attend the funeral service of Mr. James Gillespie, Wednesday, June 12, 1946, at Sacred Heart Church aft 10:30 a. Rev.

Father F. M. Perry, officiating. Entombment, West View Abbey. (Recitation of the Rosary tonight at 8 oclock at Peachtree Chapel.) The following gentlemen will serve as pallbearers: Mr.

Tom OKeefe, Mr. Patrick Campbell, Mr. Jim Keiley Mr. Tom Gilmore, Mr. James L.

Dickey and Mr. George T. Flynt. West View Peachtree Chapel, directors. REAGIN Mrs.

Sara Adeline Eea- gin Of 1212 McPherson Avenue, S. died Monday morning at a private sanitarium in her eighty-second year. She is survived by one son, Mr. G. F.

Reagin; four daughters. Mias Carletta Reagin, Mrs. J. A. Davis, Mrs.

J. T. Young, Lithonla. Miss Sadie Reagin; two sisters, Mrs. W.

R. Watson, Li-thonia, and Mrs. A. M. Warren.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 11 oclock at Moreland Avenue Baptist Church. Rev. Paul S. James, Rev. T.

T. Davis, and Rev. R. S. King, will officiate.

Interment, East View Cemetery. The remains will lie in state at the church from 10 oclock until funeral time. A. S. Turner and Sons.

HAZELRIGS The friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Lon M. Hazelrigs, of Chamblee, are invited to attend the funeral services of Mrs. Lon M.

Hazelrigs Wednesday afternoon at 2 oclock at Rehoboth Baptist Church. Elder H. O. Nash will officiate. Interment in Rehoboth Cemetery.

The following gentlemen will serve as pallbearers: Mr. C. D. Green, Mr. R.

A. Garner, Mr. J. H. Jeffries.

Mr. G. F. Jeffries, Mr. Paul Jeffries and Mr.

Grady Jeffries. A. S. Turner it Sons. CARR Funeral services for Mr.

John S. Carr will btf conducted Wednesday, June 12, 1946, at 2 oclock at Peachtree Chapel. Rev. W. W.

Cash will officiate. Interment, West View Cemetery. West View Peachtree Chapel, directors. nils HIM Funeral Service sold far during Um West View Peachtree Chapel i MRS. W.

B. REAGIN Funeral services for Mrs. W. B. Reagin, 82, of 1212 McPherson Avenue, S.

who died in a local hospital Monday, will be held Wednesday at 11 a. m. at the Moreland Avenue Baptist Church. The Rev. Paul S.

James, the Rev. T. T. Davis, and the Rev. R.

S. King will officiate. Burial will be in East View Cemetery, Mrs. Reagin had lived in Atlanta lor the past 30 years and was a member of the Moreland Avenue Baptist Church. She is survived by a son, G.

F. Reagin, of Atlanta; four daughters, J. T. Young, of Lithonla, and Mrs. J.

A. Davis, Miss Carletta Reagin and Miss Sadie Reagin, of Atlanta; and two sisters, Mrs. W. R. Watson, of Li-thonia, and Mrs.

A. M. Warren, of Decatur. MRS. J.


Skinner, 53 of 1446 Lanier Placfc, N. died in Atlanta Hospital Monday following a short illness. The body will be taken to Columbia, for services and buriel Tuesday morning. In addition to her husband, survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Charles E.

Hony, of Grenada, two sisters, Mrs. W. H. Richardson, of Ponchatoula, and Mrs. C.

A. Harris, of Columbia, three brothers, B. Frank Lampton, of New Orleans; Lamont Patten, of Angie, and W. E. Patten, Houston, Texas; and a grandson, John Charles Hony.

MRS. S. D. SPEER Funeral services for Mrs. S.

D. Speer, 47, of 841 Rose Circle, will be held at 2 p. m. Wednesday at the First Baptist Church in Chat-tahootchee. The Rev.

C. C. Buckalew and the Rev. T. P.

Tribble will pfficiate. Burial will be in Magnolia Cemetery. Mrs. Speer, wife of an Atlanta salesman, died at her home Sunday after a prolonged 'illness. Survivors other than her husband include two sons, James M.

Speer, of Atlanta, and Captain Marvin L. Speer, U. S. A. A.

Topeka; two daughters. Mrs. V. G. Abrams and Mrs.

R. F. Rape, of Atlanta; her father, F. M. Pritchett, of McDonough; two sisters, Mrs.

H. J. Gardner, of Atlanta, and Mrs. A. B.

Zackery, of East Point; and four brothers, J. T. and C. T. Pritchett, both of McDonough; L.

B. Pritchett, of Atlanta, and W. I. Pritchett, of Macon. JAMES L.

GILLESPIE Funeral services for James L. Gillespie will be held Wednesday at 10:30 a. m. at Sacred Heart Church. The Rev.

Father F. M. Perry will officiate. Burial will be in West View Abbey. Mr.

Gillespie died late Sunday night at his home, 1446 Piedmont Avenue. Northeast. E. G. BEANDT Funeral services for E.

G. Brandt, of Atlanta, will be held Thursday at 3:30 p. m. at Spring Hill. Burial will be in West View Cemetery.

JOHN MILTON COOPER JR. Funeral services for John Mil-ton Cooper Jr. were held Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. at Henry M.

Blanchard Funeral Home, Vie Rev. T. P. Tribble' officiated. Burial was in West View Cemetery.

WILLIAM W. GOOLSBY Funeral services for William W. Goolsby, who died Satuday at Veterans Hospital 48, were held Tuesday at 2 p. m. at Peachtree Chapel.

The Rev. Leon Smith officiated. Burial was in the National Cemetery, Marietta. MRS. CONNIE MAE BELCHER Mrs.

Connie Mae Belcher, 51, of 1382 Hartford Avenue, S. died at her home Monday following a long illness. Survivors other than her husband include a ton, I. W. Belcher her mother, Mra.

J. M. Harwell; four sisters, Mrs. S. I.

Belcher, Mrs. A. F. Hatton, Mrs. Ethel Pruitt, all of Atlanta, and Mrs.

J. C. Cook, of Cincinnati; two brothers, G. Harwell, of Tampa, and R. T.

Harwell, of Atlanta. Funeral arrangements will be nounced by J. Austin Dillon, J. S. CARR Funeral services for John S.

Carr, 703 Hamilton Avenue, S. who died Monday, will be held Wednesday at 2 p. at Peachtree Chapel. Burial- will be in West View Cemetery. Survivors other than his wife include a sister, Mrs.

Carl Rohwer, of Mobile, his mother, Mrs. Sam Carr, of Gulfport, and two aunts, Mrs. J. Hunter, of Birmingham, and Mrs. J.

G. Repsher, of Meridian, Miss. MRS. W. JEFF GRIFFIN Mrs.

W. Jeff Griffin, 231 Peachtree Way, N. died at her home Tuesday. Survivors, include her husband, two sons, William J. and James A.

Griffin; two sisters, Mrs. Henry Martin, of Eureka, three brothers, George McCammond, Waukesha, Fred J. McCammond. Oshkosh, and William J. McCammond, Marquette, Mich.

Funeral arrangements will be announced by H. M. Patterson and Son. MRS. LON M.

HAZLERIGS Mrs. Lon M. Hazlerigs, 71, of F. D. 1, Chamblee, died Mon-jday night at her home.

She is survived by her husband. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at Rehoboth Baptist Church, with Elder H. O. Nash officiating. Bur-1 ial will be in the Rehoboth Cemetery.

Funeral Wednesday For Mrs. Stribling Mrs. Corrie H. Stribling, former resident of Atlanta, and wife of the late W. A.

Stribling, died at her home in Spartanburg Sunday night. While in Atlanta she was an active member of the Second Baptist Church. She is survived, by two sons, J. William Stribling, of Detroit, and Jeff H. Stribling, of Chicago, and one daughter, Mrs.

B. E. Ehrlich, of Dallas. Funeral services will be held Wednesday in Spartanburg. PEOPLE AND EVENTS PEOPLE S.

Swygert, "former machinists mate second class, of 971 Ponce de Leon Avenue, N. E.f has been awarded the Silver Star Medal for conspicuous gallantry in swimming ashore on Leyte two days before the invasion in October, 1944, and crawling 50 yards through intense enemy fire in the surf to obtain information on beach and shore conditions. The award was made at Georgia Tech. Three Atlanta realdents received degrees from Vanderbilt University at June commencement exercises. They are Miss Mar garet Lang Cheves, 3766 Ivy Road; Milton Reevta Little, 855 Piedmont Avenue; Miss Ann Ber nard Martin, 137 Rumson Road.

ANNOUNCEMENTS A Red Croea first aid course will be held at the chapter house, 848 Peachtree Street, N. beginning Wednesday at 7 p. m. The class will meet from 7 to 9 P. m.

Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, with R. E. Tarpley as instructor. An Atlanta Platoon i8 being recruited by the local Marine Corps Recruiting Station. All young men interested are requested to see one of recruiters at Ten Forsyth Street Building before June 15.

ELECTIONS William L. Brady, vice president of the American Public Relations Association, has been chosen to head the Sixth Ward Civic League. Other officers are Will G. Moore, first vice president; M. C.

Croft second vice president; H. E. Clary recording secretary; Mrs. Leonard H. Taylor, corresponding secretary; H.

B. Shaw, treasurer; H. Foster Ruch, auditor. Directors are Owen Clegg, Curtis B. Allen, Mrs.

H. J. Cates, Mrs. O. C.

Puckett Mrs. Zelma Kay, Mrs. J. E. Andrews.

MEETINGS Richard Rich, executive of Richs, Incorporated, will address the Atlanta Personnel Club Tuesday at 6:30 p. m. at the Y. M. C.

A. Business Womens Section of the Atlanta Woman's Club meets Tuesday at 6:30 p. m. at the club. Colonel A.

J. Martin, Security and Intelligence Department, guest speaker. Georgia Deaths ADRIAN Joe Flanders. AMERICUS Mrs. Cornelia H.

Worthy. CARROLLTON Mrs. Mary Morris, 75, June 9. CEDARTOWN Mrs. Polly Pyle, June 10.

John Jefferson, 61. June 8. Mrs. G. W.

Karr, 64, June 10. DAHLONEGA Arthur Woody. DUBLIN Mrs. Glenn Curry, 39. Mrs.

D. F. Colson, 67. Mrs. John E.

Spears, 44. LAFAYETTE Annie P. Crawford, 60. Fred E. Mize, 63.

MACON Mrs. Trellie Huff Brown. Jonas Smallwood. June 10. MONROE Mrs.

Eliza C. Allen, 62. MONTEZUMA Mrs. Leliar Allen Greene. 72.

TOCCOA Mrs. Frances E. Goode. 23. June 9.

WAYCROSS G. F. Broxton, 64 (in Fitzgerald, June 8). LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO PAVING CONTRACTORS Pursuant to ordrr of the Mayor and Oeneral Council, sealed bide will be received at the office of Purehasino Aaent. 403 City Hall, until 3:00 M.

Monday. July 1. for pavlno Thurmond Street from Ashby Street to Chestnut Street. In accordance to Plana end Specifications on file, and may be obtained by applrlna at office of Chief of Construction, 3rd Floor City Hall. The City reserves tha rleht to accept or reject any or all bide and to waive technicalities.

City of Atlanta. Oanrcla LA. walker. PURCHASING AGENT. I WILL not bo responsible for any debts made by anyone other than myself.

Charles Franklin Oarrard LOCAL WANT AD BATES i Sate balew aptly la alt adveMriaa oHbia Ike Stale el BearoM I tlsM SaaOay pee Haa i tie Dally 08a see Haa asamatlve Haws (W. da) see Has 1 aeoMsartive llam (ml. a ay) 37 ear lice 80 seamatlm tlem (ea. day) 18e oar Has I0 Pluses! Mr Saab NATIONAL WANT AD EATER (Hales balew aeety la aS I el advHliilea ertoiaallao me (isle ef SeetfM pee Hoe Hew Saadly I II oe Dally 8 MamaHne tlem (ea. day) 7 eaesseeHm Nam (sa.

day) 18 NMMtlw Haws (ea0 Say) 3 Dismast far Cast PHONE WALNUT 1212 "The Jminel Carers Dixie Like the Daw" tan O'adatone baa by miatake Sunday. June 3nd by baaaaie aaent window at the bua atatlon. Please return to aaent and receive reward, no aues-tion asked, or rail Chaa. M. Bramlett.

collect. Oreenvllle. 8. C. Phone 460-W.

LOST -Grey enamel G'ruen watch on pain pin, either on ahopper'a bus or Peachtree St. between Medical Art Bids, and Davison's. Reward. WA. 8301.

between 0:30 and 4:30 or CH. 1134 after 0. Uftlv Orewon tourist, man'-leather billfold containing identification papers. Shell aas credit card. etc.

Keep money, return billfold and paper. RA. 3300. Wa. H.

ONE yellow Jersey cow. medium lxe. Metal tat In ear. Short horn and tail. Leather halter.

Baby drpandlno on milk. Reward. Ray Lee. VE. 0100.

CSst Sunday noon. 1 00 "block Whitehall, white and tan female, mostly aplta. some collie. Iona hair. tan.

Collar "Laaala." Reward. WA. 1341. Mr. Lawton.

I MALE Walker fox hound, white and pale lemon snoti. illxhtly lame in left front foot. Reward. Cliff Smith. 838 Ptoy Rd- B.

RA. 8184. STRAYED vicinity Smyrna and No. M-ton Park, red female Irish Better, name Call 367 Smyrna, collect, eve- nines. Reward.

LOST A diamond brooch In a fittlne room or downtown store. Liberal reward. No quesjlons asked.Call WA. 8311. Ext.

13. LOST Sunday p. Barnett and' North coin puree containing coins, keys, charts plate. Reward. HE.

3878-M. Lost Black co*cker spaniel. white mark-Ino on chest. "Lace female. Vie.

Rivera School. Reward. CH. 8148. LOST Vicinity P'tree mother rat.

gart Persian. with yellow and tion. Downtown section. Reward. Call 218 tJ J4 LOST Black billfold in or near Emory Theater.

Stamped initials J. A. C. Keep money, return papers. DE.

8083. STRAYED Hunt ana Eureka Dr. section. yellow and white. 3-mo.

Pariian kitten. Reward. CH. 3110. STRAYED OR 'STOLEN Brown Irish ler-rlcr.

named "Sandy." Vlr. Sylvan Ilapeviiie. 1800. COST White aofd Bulova ladleawrlat watch, alrcon band. Peachtree Oardana.

RewardHE, 0739-J. MAN'S allieatnr skin-'wallet. In nr near Bib Slar Market, Decatur. Reward. 8.

M. lit. Journal. LOST Auto Teat her ease. orobaSly near Seara-Roebuck Friday.

VE. 4804 Reward LOST Laiffea cold Bulova watch, vicinity Va. -Highland. Sat. aft.

Reward. HE. LtWT Female black Corker Spaniel. Call CH. 7205 aa tick tesla bclnc made.

Re- SnlAllIl ian and white mare. vie. Roxhpro Rd. Reward. CH.

1711. CH. 5800, LOOT Fraternity key. Vicinity Collate encraved Harrlneton. DE.

4741. 38 Lost Prldav. Tortoise shell, bi" lflfJtwri.Can Yki 33L. Bar pin. Medical Arte Bl3x downtown.

Reward, vn. Pan fTRAVEb-Ftmale Peklnaneae. vie. CoP Jee Park. Reward.

CA354. STRAYED Female Pekinese, vicinity C51 Ices Park. Reward. CA. 25X4.

STRAYED Male Pekinarar. vie. Brook Jiaven. Reward. CH.



3001 PANBEY WEST METZER haa returned to work and will be alad lo serve her old end new customers. LILT. IAN (MCDONALD) KITOHINOH epecallisina in spiral perm, waves. Panaey Beauty Salon. 204 Connelly Bide.

JA. 0373. ATTENTION Moth rre. nursery in private home: beat of care; sood food, carefully supervised play and training by experienced teacher. Small aroup.

Near Little 8 Points. CR. 3700. Vacation REGULAR 815 cola wave, only 88.80. work eiiaranteed.

Ann McKinnon's MODERN BEAUTY SALON. AT MAX FRIED Distinctive watchmaker. Nit excuse, but fine Swiss watch work. Make Parts. Cash for broken watches.


FOR hoipltallxatlonrbotb individual and family (roup, axes I to 10 Write American Life Insurance Co- p. Box 1001. Atlanta. sundry. 914 PledmoL la apeciallxina on shirts and flat work.

Quick service when requested. Cash and carry. QKtMfeAbKft kfcNbVA'fttb Cleaned re trimmed re-covered CA.3450. QUALITY PLUMBINO CO. REPAIRS, Installations.

expert work. Call BE. 3347 BaVTBSa George Ho Qulft' 9tfnl atmosphere. PHOTOGRAPHS Of woddinas and children made in your hom*o day or night. Paul Robertson'a Studios.

H. 1437. ItAVfl vacancy for "elderly woman who la not an Invalid. Personal care. Private N.

E. home. D. U. 147.

Journal. WILL care raflnvalid children In my home. Reference. Mrs. I.eana Waters.

Douflaavllle, Oa. Phone J481. PANS. Irons. motors.

"and repair. Tnm'a Electric. SO Forsyth Sl 8. WA. 0001...

Wli.L renV trailer spare lo luislnesa rouble and child. Will care for child durlno day, RA, 1750. "TT ME WAKYOU. SL50 MONTH. MRS.


CH. 081 1 BALE I eravea. 198 and 300. Crest -W. day TlEACh.

FLA. Stop Prince totel. faclnx beautiful Halifax let, restful atmosphere. t.awn Gardens, Bcctlon 35. JAjffl: PHOTOGRAPHS made In your home, del or nlahtl LaMence.

JAkson (llj. ATS? Feed 'em DEATH LUNCH, only 25c at HURREVR it 8. Broad. R. 8.

EVANS rents care, dally, weekly. SERVICE. 81.80 MO. CR. 3371.

WILL "OrVE wood to aomeone who haul mlno. Main 8510. ID Main 8810. ffCfRSBinrite rayon Boso at Coplan's. five GflU.8TA(fPniG6.

MACHIHB WORK" WE ARE equipped tor general tool and dio work and metal atamplnax lo meet your requirements. Prompt service on screw machine and turret latho Joha up to and Including l'-i-ln. round. We have the experience and tha equipment. PRODUCTO lira.

CO. 331 Tenth N. E. VE. 4937 IP YbUThouId have to xo to the hoa-pltal why not be sure that It will not be a financial problem.

Our hospital security plan xlvre dependable protection at small cost. BERRY REALTY CO. INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE fire, househnld furnlsh-lnaa and many other forma of insurance protection BEN RE. CO. PE.

3973 bullcioier an? shovel work. 1339. West View Peachtree Chapel ONE or THE SOUTHS FINEST FUNERAL HOMES Where It Costs Less to Have the Best NOW OFFERS A Complete Funeral Service AT $350.00 Every necessary thing is included: Casket; Metal Grave Vault; West View Embalming; Lady Attendant Peachtree far Wemen and Children; Chapel Use af Slamber Room; News- honors paper Natteea; Use ef Chapel; all Organ and Organist; Funeral standard Coach: Flower Car; Opening Insurance. and Closing of Grave (Any Cemetery) Applicable to Atlanta and to the Greater Atlanta area up to a radius of fifty miles. 860 Peachtree N.

E. Telephone HEmlock 6001- Undertaking At Its Best. High Quality Merchandisa Unsurpassed Professional Service.

The Atlanta Journal from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)


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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.